- Calamine powder is one of the best things to reduce the acne and excess oil from the skin. Take two spoonful of calamine powder and make a paste of it with rose water. Apply it on all over your face and neck. It clears the skin and reduces the marks from it.
- Soak orange peel in milk for at least 5 hours. Make a thick paste of it and add some camphor powder in it. Apply it on the face and rinse off with lukewarm water when dries. It prevents from getting acne and clears the complexion.
- You can dry orange peels in sun and then can make a powder of it. Make a paste with rose water and rinse off when dries.
- Sandalwood powder is extremely good in healing acne prone skin. Make a paste of it with rose water and apply on face and neck. Wash off when dries. It also makes the complexion clear and smooth.
- Neem leaves have extremely good healing agents for acne prone skin. You can boil neem leaves in water and can use this water to splash on the skin several times a day to reduce the acne and their marks. You can add this boiled neem water to the calamine powder or sandal wood powder to make a paste.
- Soak neem leaves in hot water till the leaves become soft. Now make a paste of these leaves in the same water and apply on the acne. You can leave it even overnight on the skin. It heals the acne and the scar, which comes after acne is not that dark.
- Skin, which comes out from the neem tree stem, is very useful in healing the acne. You can rub it on a thick surface in little water where it gives a brown paste in result. This paste if applied on the acne heals it much faster than many other established acne treating creams.
- Strawberry leaves if placed on the acne helps in healing the acne.
Wednesday, 2 May 2012
Homemade Methods To Avoid Blackheads And Acne
Acne And Blackheads Care
Acne and black heads usually appear
on an oily skin or in teenage where body faces many hormonal changes,
which reflect on the skin as acne and blackheads. Acnes are the most
common skin problem, which affects everybody excepting few lucky people.
In severe acne problem they can appear on the back, neck, shoulders and
even on the arms.
The problem is always not as bad as
at the time of puberty in the boys and girls. In normal course people
do get one or two acne at a time though when there is a hormonal
imbalance, people get acne all over their face and get dirty deep marks.
Acne problem is difficult to tackle when they start
spreading all over the body. Then you need to seek a medical help with a
professional dermatologist.
Black heads appear on the skin
when sebum gets stored in the pores of our skin and collect dirt, which
makes the pores hard. People who don't do proper cleaning of the face
too get ugly black heads on their skin which get deep set with time and
ignorance. The tip of the pore appears black so they are called black
heads. T-zone skin is more prone to get black heads as they usually
appear on the nose and chin. By using some home made recipes and
following a daily skin care regime one can surely prevent the problem of
acne and black heads and can get a beautiful blemish free skin.
- The keyword for a healthy glowing skin is drinking plenty of water. Water detoxifies the skin and keeps acne and black heads at bay.
- Wash your face on and off with good medicated soap and lukewarm water so that no dirt and impurities are left on the skin.
- For blackheads, soak rice in the water in the night. Grind them and make a paste in the morning. Add a pinch of turmeric to it. Apply this paste on the face and scrub off when a little dries. It removes the black and white heads from the skin.
- Soak almonds in the water overnight. Peel them off in the morning and make a paste. Add honey to this paste and apply on the face. Scrub it off when dry or after 20 minutes. It removes the black heads and adds glow to the skin.
- Rubbing a lemon peel on the black heads too removes them and clears the skin.
- For better results take steam on the skin where you have black heads and then apply these scrubbers. It makes the pores loose so that the dirt comes up on the skin surface and it makes easy for the black head to come out of the skin.
- Soak fenugreek seeds in water for 4 hours. Make a paste of it and add a half lemon juice to it. Apply it on the face and scrub it off when dries. It helps in removing the black heads.
Shaving Tips And Techniques
- Make Sure Your Beard is Thoroughly Wet
One of the keys to a great close shave without irritation or razor burn is to make sure your beard is thoroughly wet. Facial hair will absorb moisture up to 30% of its volume. Hair swollen with water becomes quite weak and therefore easier to cut. Showering before shaving is the ideal way to ensure you beard is properly moistened. If a shower is not possible, rinse your face and then apply a warm moistened towel to your face for at least a couple of minutes. This is the technique that barbers use. Never shave cold or apply shaving products to a dry face - this is one of the leading causes of razor burn and shaving rash.
- Use a Quality Shaving Cream
Use a shaving cream that has a high concentration of lubricants (eg silicones) and moisturizers. The best shaving creams create a rich creamy lather and do not foam up like the cheaper drug store brands. The less "foaming" in the shave cream the better, as it is what is in contact with the skin and beard that matters - all else is wasted. Less resistance, less irritation and less nicks also mean a longer lasting blade! While the primary function of the shaving cream is to lubricate your face so that the razor will glide smoothly and effortlessly across the surface, it also serves to lock the moisture into the whiskers, keeping them soft and upright, primed for the cut. The ideal scenario is to leave the shaving cream on your face for at least a minute before you begin cutting, so that the beard is as soft and wet as possible.
- A Shaving Brush is One of the Best ToolsOne of the best tools you can use to achieve the optimum shave is a shaving brush (as top barbers do). A shaving brush
does a couple of things. First, it helps raise the hair so that a
closer cut is possible. Second, it helps create a rich creamy lather
with the shaving cream that stays close to the skin. And, finally, it
helps remove dead skin cells (exfoliation) which reduces the chance of
blemishes, razor bumps and also helps the skin look and feel smooth and
healthy. Always look for a shaving brush with bristles that
have the right balance between softness (to create a rich creamy lather
that stays close to the skin) and resistance to raise the beard (making a
closer cut easier!)
- Apply the shaving cream using the brush in a circular motion
ending in an upward stroke to help lift the beard up and away from the
- Use a Quality Razor and Change the Blades
Always use a good quality sharp razor blade. Be sure the blade is sharp. You're not just cutting off hair, you're also scraping off up to two layers of surface skin when you shave. A dull blade is more traumatic to the skin, making your face feel scratchy and look blotchy - a dull razor is one of the contributing factors to razor burn and shaving rash. Depending on the toughness of your beard, change the blade somewhere between every three and every ten shaves, if you shave every day. Two weeks is too long to go without changing blades. Regardless of the number of shaves, if the blade becomes dull, ditch it.
As to which brand of razor to use - we think you can't go wrong with any of the Gillette Mach series. Of course there are very high quality and expensive razors available at specialty retailers that you may want to try.
Rinse your blade under hot water before you begin to shave and after every few swipes. This removes the accumulated shaving cream, whiskers, and skin gunk. The use of hot water here is to help lubricate, has nothing to do with "killing bacteria."
- Use the Razor Properly
Ideally shave in the direction of the beard growth. Start with the sides, then the moustache area and last the chin. The chin hairs are the toughest, so this allows them the most time to soften under the shave cream.
Shaving against the direction of hair growth gives a closer shave, but has two drawbacks:A. It's a good way to donate blood, and
To avoid these shaving problems, again, shave "with the grain" (that is, in the direction your hair grows). Each person's facial hair has its own growth pattern. If you are unsure of the direction of your beard, let it grow for a day or two and you'll see it.
B. You run a high risk of cutting off a hair below skin level, causing an ingrown hair (razor bumps) - the whisker grows into the surrounding tissue instead of out of the pore, resulting in inflammation and possible infection.
You also need to let the razor do the work - do not press too hard or it will cause razor bumps (ingrown hair)and razor burn. By the way, you do NOT need special razor bump products - 99% of the razor bump problem will be solved by not pressing too hard, shaving with the grain and using a good shaving cream.
- If you want an even Closer Shave
If you wish to achieve an even closer shave (as many barbers do) apply some more lather from your brush (add more cream if necessary) to the areas you wish to shave again. Keep everything moist. This is one of the extra advantages of using a brush. For most guys, re-shaving certain areas with the grain should do the job. Professional barbers, by the way, usually first shave with the grain, and then re-shave going sideways - but they're trained professionals!
But, don't overshave. Too much shaving will cause skin irritation and the dreaded razor burn and shaving rash.
Rinse the blade thoroughly before you put it away. (The water temperature isn't going to have any impact on bacteria; you're rinsing the blade to get rid of hairs, shaving cream, oils, and gunk, not to kill bacteria. You'd need to boil the razor for that or rinse it in alcohol, which is not necessary.) After rinsing, shake the razor, but do not wipe the blade with a towel or tissue - that will just make it dull faster.
- Cleanse and Soothe After Shaving
After shaving, when the skin is most vulnerable, rinse the face with warm water and use a facial wash that has a high concentration of tea tree oil (a natural antiseptic that is ideal to help cleanse and protect from spots and shaving rash) and witch hazel (for its soothing, healing and astringent properties).
- Rinse with the coolest water that is comfortable and pat dry with a clean towel. (Don't rub! Just pat)
- Finish off with an After Shave Lotion or Balm.
Shaving can remove up to two layers of skin. There is no other regular activity that does this, which is why it is so important to use a good quality moisturizer after shaving. An after shave lotion, designed as an after shave balm and moisturizer in one, is the ideal way to replace lost moisture and soothe the skin. And, be sure to use one made just for guys - these formulas are designed so that they are not greasy, absorb quickly and dry with a matte finish so that your face doesn't look shiny. Typically mositurizers made for women are too greasy as men tend to have not only thicker skin but also oiler skin than women due to men's larger sebaceous glands. The best after shave lotions not only replace lost moisture and soothe, but also have ingredients that will cool and refresh the skin.
Tuesday, 24 April 2012
how to ger rid of dark circle under eyes
· Dark circle under eyes can be avoided by using sun screen properly. Sunscreen protects you from uv rays which are very harmful to your skin. Sunscreen lotion is also available to protect dark eye circle darker.
· Incomplete sleep is also a major cause of circle under eyes. Late night awaking leaves bad effect on your face through circle under eyes so going early on bed is a healthy habit.
· Sufficient consumption of water is a natural treatment to avoid dark circle under eyes, because water helps in cleansing body impurities.
· Anxiety and stress are also the major causes of dark circles under eyes. Conflicts in relations, excessive work load, economical problem or any other personal or professional pressure can create the problem of dark circle under eyes.
· Unhealthy diet is also the major cause of dark circles. Food you use must be consisting of vitamins, minerals, calcium and protein that are essential elements for your body.
· Cucumber is a natural treatment for the dark circles under eyes. Slice of cucumber can be put on eyes in order to remove dark circles under eye.
· Tea bags are also effective cure to the dark circles under eyes. By putting cold tea bags on the top of the eyes dark circles can be avoided.
Prevent Acne and Pimples
Pimples are tiny skin lesions or inflammations of the skin. They usually develop after blackheads or whiteheads become clogged and infected. They may appear as deeper lumps (cysts or nodules) on the face, neck, chest, back and sometimes shoulders.
here are five tips to avoid pimples and acne.
1. Commit to a strict regimen – Depending on the day’s activities, set specific times to wash your face with a suitable cleanser (Avoid oil & alcohol based cleansers as they leave your skin dry and tight). Note that over-washing may lead to your skin producing even more oil. When it comes to applying skincare products, avoid oil-based ones. If your dermatologist prescribes a skincare regimen, sticking to it will produce the best results in the long-term.
2. Avoid contact with your face – Our hands are consistently “dirty”. Unless absolutely necessary, avoid touching your face. By doing so, you are preventing bacteria and dirt from clogging your skin pores. In addition, those with long hair should try keeping your hair from direct contact with your face as our hair traps dust and dirt throughout the day.
3. Do not allow sweat to linger – Those with sporty lifestyles should as far as possible wipe away excessive sweat from the skin during exercise. After exercise, it is important to use a mild face cleanser to get rid of dirt and dried sweat as soon as possible. Consider using a gentle exfoliate to remove dead skin once or twice a week.
4. Avoid scratching, pinching & squeezing – While it might look inviting to pop that irritating pimple on your face, doing so might lead to permanent scarring and leave the spot redder and more swollen.
5. Seek early treatment – In most cases, severe acne problems can be avoided through seeking early treatment from a qualified dermatologist. Having your dermatologist prescribe a regimen of surgical treatments, skincare products and constant review will accelerate the healing process as well as prevent future breakouts.
Top Skin Care Products Over $10: Acne Solutions that Work!
Compare Effectiveness and Prices of the Top Products Available:
Products that are marketed to control and clear acne are everywhere! How are you supposed to choose? Which product is the best for you money?
Here are a few products over ten dollars, and below one hundred, that are the best and most used on the market today. Proactiv is gaining tons of popularity in the United States right now. This system has been around for about three years now, after being produced by two women, Dr. Katie Rodan and Dr. Kathy Fields. The system was tested for five years before being put on the market. You can buy the basic, trial size set for $19.95, which includes the Renewing Cleanser (2 fl. oz.), Revitalizing Toner (2 fl. Oz.), and Repairing Lotion (1 fl. Oz). All bottles are half size and only intended to be a one month supply. For a two month basic set you will pay $39.95. The set is available with either a Daily Oil Control or Oil-free moisture with SPF 15 for $49.95. If you decide the entire set is for you, then you can get it for $59.95. All sets include free bonuses, which is a package of pamphlets telling you about acne and how their products work. This system comes with a 60 day money back guarantee. The products are not all-natural, although some ingredients are herbal. Proactiv is only available by mail order, internet, or calling a one eight hundred number. I have personally tried this system, and it did not work to well for me. I personally do not know of anyone who has tried it and had success, but their gain in popularity and thousands of testimonials seems to show that it does work for some people.A company named Arbonne offers an acne treatment system called Clear Advantage. This is a Swiss company that is over twenty five years old and offers nothing but pure and natural skin care. Their Clear Advantage system is $66.00 and includes Acne Wash, Refining Toner, Acne Lotion, and a skin support supplement. This system works great and is what I've used to achieve the best results. It does take about 40 days to see results. The downside to this is that you must be a member of the company or find someone in your area to order it for you. They have a website that has all the information you need.
Acuzine is another popular treatment option for those with acne. This is a daily supplement that is taken orally. It has greater effectiveness on certain types of acne that even antibiotics can offer. Acuzine does not need to be prescribed by a dermatologist or doctor. It is advertised as all-natural and safe for those who are pregnant or going to become pregnant. There is a six month money back guarantee for these pills. You can get a two month supply for $69.90.
Derma Cleanse from ZENMED is a system similar to system that Arbonne offers. The set includes an acne gel, facial cleansing gel, capsules, and a regulating moisturizer. There is a sixty day money back guarantee for this system. It is all natural and costs $99.95. There are no side effects. It is safe for those who are pregnant. Derma Cleanse is a one time use product. The company claims that using the system once or maybe twice will cure all further acne. Only reorders of the facial cleansing gel is recommended for maintenance of the skin. I have never tried this and do not know anyone who has used this product before. It sounds almost too good to be true. The system will last approximately two months.
How to Choose the Best Skin Care Products for Your Skin
Knowing Which Skin Care Products to Buy is Half the Battle:
Have you been to the drug store or your local department store lately and visited cosmetics or health and beauty? The variety of skin care products available can be overwhelming. How are we to choose when every product claims to be the best, the newest, the strongest, voted most popular, etc?
Over the years we develop our own brand name preferences, occasionally trying something new, or borrowing a suggestion from a friend. But a brand name preference may even be useless against the onslaught of skin care products if you don't know what you are looking at.
You have to know if you want an emollient, conditioning, or anti-bacterial cream. Or was that anti-inflammatory cream and an exfoliant?
Familiarize yourself with the types of skin care products available, and it will make your purchasing decisions a little bit easier.
Here are some quick tips to sort through skin care jargon and find the product you need.
Make-up removers: are formulated to break down the compounds used in producing make-up. Water resistant makeup generally requires makeup removers. If you don't wear a whole lot of makeup, or several layers of makeup you probably do not need a makeup remover. Your facial cleanser should cut through your makeup. The exception is often eye makeup which often requires extra care in removing, although mineral oil is an excellent eye makeup remover that costs around $1.
Skin care cleansers:gently break through makeup, sunscreen, and pollutants that have accumulated on your face throughout the day. It is important to use skin cleansers suitable for your skin type.
Exfoliants: vary from company to company and product to product. They may also be called facial scrubs. Some exfoliants are course, while more advanced exfoliants use micro-cleansing beads or microdermabrasion to slough off dead skin cells.
Moisturizing and conditioning skin care products: are designed to penetrate the skin hydrating the layers beneath the epidermis, the part of your skin that you see. Deep moisturizing and hydration increases your skins elasticity, smoothness, and overall appearance.
Anti-aging skin creams: are moisturizers enhanced with age fighting ingredients; they may also be called repair creams, serums, or antioxidants.
Rejuvenating: skin care products contain ingredients that stimulate the skin, increasing circulation and causing the skin to take on a clean, youthful glow. Some rejuvinating skin creams fall into the catagory of exfoliants, so read product labels carefully.
Skin protectants:are skin care products form a barrier on the outer layer of skin. They are not intended to penetrate the skin like moisturizers and conditioners. Protectants help prevent sun damage and also help the skin retain hydration. A simple example of an emollient is baby oil. When put on in the shower, baby oil bonds creating a barrier that seals in moisture.
Astringents: help evaporate excessive oil and refine pores. They may also be called pore refiners, pore reducers, or pore minimizers. Astringents containing alcohol and acetone are very harsh on skin. Even if you have oily skin excessive drying only stimulates more oil production. Choose gentle astringents that clean and tighten pores.
Anti-inflammatory: skin care products help reduce redness and puffiness often associated with acne. Anti-inflammatory skin care products will not kill acne causing bacteria. For that you need a product with anti-bacterial properties. These skin care products are generally identified as acne preventing or acne treating products.
Eye treatments; include anti-puffiness serums or creams, lifting or firming creams, or eye toners. The purpose of specialized eye skin treatment is usually to treat puffiness or dark circles beneath the eyes.
These are the ten basic categories into which skin care products fall. Products may be called by any number of names and these groupings may be subdivided. However, in becoming familiar with the products you can begin to compare your skin type and needs to available products.
Knowledge of skin care products will enable you to compare ingredients and prices and avoid the trap into which savvy pioneers in women's health and beauty intended women to fall - the false belief that just because a product cost more it is better.
Sunday, 22 April 2012
Types of Skin Care Products:
The first and foremost product which improves your skin texture is the cleanser. It is an item, you have to use regularly. Grab the best brand and pamper your face as well as body skin well. The products removes dirty elements, excess oil from the skin. You feel the fresh and clear glow instantly after using the product. If you’re not suffering form any acne or pimple problem, you may use it twice or thrice a day, Returning from your work, apply it to wash off the skin. For body treatment, during bath, you can enjoy a cleanser.
Moisturizer keeps the skin soft and nourished. To maintain the natural hydration your skin, use a good moisturizer regularly. It revitalizes the skin. Like face moisturizer, body moisturizers are also available for you. To protect the skin from getting rough and dull, moisturizer must be applied. For pimple or acne prone skin, water based moisturizer is considered as the best.
Sunscreen Lotion
A moisturizing treatment cannot protect your skin from the scorching heat of the sun. Sun burn, pigmentation, etc sun damages can be prevented. Apply sunscreen lotion regularly on the skin. Choose an SPF formula with at least SPF 15. Form the harmful effects of the UV rays, your sunscreen protects your entire skin. Within a short interval, make it a habit to use sunscreen on the skin. It is better to keep it in the purse.
The skin is affected by different kinds of harmful elements. Sometimes, it gets dead skin cells and with a proper scrub massage, such conditions can be eliminated. You have to do the massage gently on the skin. Avoid rubbing your face. Only twice a week, do this exfoliation process. After applying the product, you’ll find the glowing skin instantly.
Body lotion
Like the face, the body also requires proper beauty therapy. Choose a good body lotion and pamper the skin gently. It will add moisturizer to the skin. Your whole body will become soft and smooth. From shoulder to feet, apply this product carefully.
Body oil
This product is very much essential during winter months. Everyday, in cold season, apply a good body oil. Your body will become free from any kind of dryness and chappy feeling. It helps you to enjoy a fresh feeling throughout the whole day.
Natural Skin Care Products
Homemade Scrub
Mix honey, rosewater and tomato well. Prepare a paste using all of these fresh ingredients. Now exfoliate the skin with gentle care. Leave for at least half an hours. Using normal water wash off the skin. You will enjoy the natural and fresh feeling. The product will treat acne and make the skin clear and smooth.
Glowing Skin Recipe
Make a fresh product using turmeric powder and orange juice. Mix them well. Apply the paste on the skin. After a few hours, wash the face. It will promote you a wonderful glowing skin.
Skin Protection:
Personal beauty is a greater
recommendation than any letter of reference: Aristotle Are you aware that your
skin actually reflects your health and your mood? Skin protection is not only
important for our health but also for our appearance. A proper skin care can retard the aging process and retain
our youthful looks for a long time. You do not have to spend your money on
expensive skin care products for your skin protection. You can follow the
simple steps listed below for your daily skin protection regime.
Steps for Skin Protection:
- Cleansing: Clean your skin regularly to get rid of dust
and grime. This is the first step for a healthy skin. Remove all makeup
before you go to sleep.
- Moisturizing:Use
a moisturizer after a wash. A moisturizer not only restores the moisture
back to your skin, it also maintains your skin’s pH balance and nourishes
- Protect your Skin from the Sun:Use a sunscreen before venturing out in the sun. Wear
sunglasses to protect the sensitive areas around your eyes. If the heat is
strong, then wear light long sleeved dresses and shirts to protect your
arms. Cover your head if it is very windy.
- Stay Hydrated:Drink
at least eight glasses of water and fruit juice every day. Splash your
face with water whenever you get the opportunity.
- Drink Healthy:Restrict
your intake of coffee. Cut down on alcohol. Drink fruit juice as often as
- Eat Healthy:Cut
down on chocolates. Select food rich in proteins and vitamins as opposed
to fat and starch. Restrict your intake of sugar. Eat food rich in fiber.
Consume fresh vegetables, legumes and fruits.
- Be Happy:Your
face reflects your mood. A happy person will usually have a glowing and
healthy look. Frowns can bring early wrinkles on your face. Therefore,
avoid stressful situations. Focus on happier moments. Yoga and meditation
are very good for a healthy skin.
- Select your Skin Care Products Carefully: Make sure that you are not allergic to any ingredient used in a skin care product that you select. If in doubt, consult a skin specialist for advice.
- By:Rabel
You can protect your skin from
premature aging and skin cancers by using sun protective clothing and sunscreen
on exposed areas. However, for a sunscreen to be effective, it must be used
correctly. Here are some of the most common questions about sunscreens.
Which Sunscreens Offer Best
To make a specific personal choice,
there are four criteria for selecting the best sunscreen. First, select
a broad spectrum sunscreen that blocks both UVA and UVB. In particular, choose
a sunscreen that includes a good level (around 4% to 5% or more) of zinc oxide
(also called micronized zinc), or titanium dioxide, or Parsol 1789 (also called
avobenzone) among the list of active ingredients. Second, choose a
sunscreen with a SPF 30 rating or higher – this is the minimum level now
recommended by most dermatologists across America. Third, determine the
activity you will be doing for the day and apply a product that will meet the
task, e.g. water activities mean you should use a waterproof sunscreen. Fourth,
always choose a sunscreen that feels good on your skin – so you will be
comfortable wearing it every day. The best way to be sure you like a sunscreen
is to try a small sample on your skin. Once you have found a sunscreen or
several that meet these four needs, use it regularly and properly and it will
provide excellent sun protection.
What are the Main Ingredients in
There are currently 16 active
ingredients allowed for use in sunscreens by the Food and Drug Administration
(FDA). These ingredients fall into two broad categories - absorbers (which
create a chemical reaction to absorb UV) or reflectors (which are physical
barriers that block or reflect UV rays away from the skin). Commonly used
absorbers include homosalate, octisalate (also called octyl salicylate),
octinoxate (also called octyl methoxycinnamate or OMC), octocrylene,
oxybenzone, and avobenzone. The reflectors are titanium dioxide and zinc oxide.
Most sunscreens contain some mixture of absorbers and/or reflectors and are
available in creams, mousses, lotions and moisturizers. Hypo allergic and
waterproof products are also available.
What is SPF?
SPF stands for Sun Protection Factor
and measures the protection against UVB provided by a sunscreen. An SPF 15,
when applied properly, protects you against 14 out of 15 parts of UVB or 93
percent UVB. An SPF 30 protects you against 29 out of 30 parts of UVB or 97
percent UVB.
Sunscreens do not work without
proper application (see below), nor will they work for longer than 2 hours
without reapplication.
What is Broad Spectrum?
Broad spectrum protects skin against
both UVB and UVA. UVA is now considered as dangerous as UVB.
How should Sunscreen be Applied?
First, it should be applied 20
minutes before going outside to allow it time for it to penetrate or bind to
the skin. Second, you need to use an adequate amount. If you under apply you
are likely to get burned - this is probably the most common mistake made by
sunscreen users. The recommended level is 2 mg sunscreen/square cm skin. For
the average adult needing to cover themselves at the beach, this means using a
shot glass full of sunscreen per application. Third, even if the label says
"all day protection” you should reapply every two hours while outside until
sunset. The term "very water resistant" means one must reapply every
90 minutes when swimming, "water resistant" means one must reapply
every 40 minutes when swimming. Fourth, do not use old sunscreen. Check the
expiration date and throw away old sunscreen.
Recovering youthfulness with regular skin care
Skin plays a major role in expressing one's age and inner health via
various signs of aging. Daily health care is more important as they play
a major role in protecting one's skin from damage and restoring the
natural glow of the skin. Daily pollution, change in climate, chemical
effects of cosmetics and harshness of soap and face wash are the factors
that affects the skin. Diet is the best solution for skin care to acquire the dreaming beautiful skin that you always wanted.
Healthy lifestyle, proper eating habits, regular exercising and freshness of mind and body helps to restore the youthfulness of the skin.
Natural Skin Care Treatment
A general skin care requires a quick cleansing, toning and moisturizing formula to keep the skin clean from dirt, greasiness or excess oiliness, and to clean off the pores. A natural skin care is the best way to cure the skin problems such as acne, skin rashes, heat boils, burning skin and other skin infections. Healthy balanced diet that are rich in nutrients required by the body helps in bringing the skin the needful glow from within that keeps your skin young, firm, radiant and fresh all day round.
Natural Skin Exfoliator
There are several exfoliators available in the market the works well depending on the skin type. Some skin types are more sensitive and require more care to be taken with naturally available products and by keeping away from chemical products. Natural exfoliators work out well in removing the skin dirt and greasiness leaving the skin tightened, lifting wrinkles, making the skin firm, soft and smooth. Exfoliating the skin once in a week helps to restore that youthfulness with suppler look. Smashed banana, oatmeal with water, smashed fruits, sea salt are some of the natural exfoliates that work well. You can also augment the results with something similar to those Jan Marini creams for alleviating various skin conditions like pigmentation, acne scarring, skin aging etc.
Keeping one’s skin protected from the climatic changes also means to care. Summer is becoming so worse that the hot sun burns up the skin causing more skin problems and infections. Sun burns, skin tans, excess sweat causing burning or irritated sensation affects the skin more widely. As skin is more sensitive to heat, they are to be protected with the help of sunscreen lotions and creams that are SPF rated that well suits your skin sensitivity. Apart from sunscreen, photofacials and stuffs likevitamin D spray can help to supplement the care. If your skin is more sensitive to heat, you can opt for SPF 25 to 30, while the lesser skin sensitivity can use the ones less than SPF 25. Some even experience darkening of the skin with excess oiliness on the outer skin surface. A quick face-wash as soon as you return from outside is a must to avoid the skin damages and infections.
Healthy lifestyle, proper eating habits, regular exercising and freshness of mind and body helps to restore the youthfulness of the skin.
Natural Skin Care Treatment
A general skin care requires a quick cleansing, toning and moisturizing formula to keep the skin clean from dirt, greasiness or excess oiliness, and to clean off the pores. A natural skin care is the best way to cure the skin problems such as acne, skin rashes, heat boils, burning skin and other skin infections. Healthy balanced diet that are rich in nutrients required by the body helps in bringing the skin the needful glow from within that keeps your skin young, firm, radiant and fresh all day round.
Natural Skin Exfoliator
There are several exfoliators available in the market the works well depending on the skin type. Some skin types are more sensitive and require more care to be taken with naturally available products and by keeping away from chemical products. Natural exfoliators work out well in removing the skin dirt and greasiness leaving the skin tightened, lifting wrinkles, making the skin firm, soft and smooth. Exfoliating the skin once in a week helps to restore that youthfulness with suppler look. Smashed banana, oatmeal with water, smashed fruits, sea salt are some of the natural exfoliates that work well. You can also augment the results with something similar to those Jan Marini creams for alleviating various skin conditions like pigmentation, acne scarring, skin aging etc.
Keeping one’s skin protected from the climatic changes also means to care. Summer is becoming so worse that the hot sun burns up the skin causing more skin problems and infections. Sun burns, skin tans, excess sweat causing burning or irritated sensation affects the skin more widely. As skin is more sensitive to heat, they are to be protected with the help of sunscreen lotions and creams that are SPF rated that well suits your skin sensitivity. Apart from sunscreen, photofacials and stuffs likevitamin D spray can help to supplement the care. If your skin is more sensitive to heat, you can opt for SPF 25 to 30, while the lesser skin sensitivity can use the ones less than SPF 25. Some even experience darkening of the skin with excess oiliness on the outer skin surface. A quick face-wash as soon as you return from outside is a must to avoid the skin damages and infections.
Tips For Becoming An Ageless Beauty
If you feel that every time you look in the mirror and see sunken
cheeks and drooping skin, it is the high time to take stock of the
situation of you want to look younger and appear beautiful from aging.
Aging is a natural process that cannot be stopped, yet, one can make
sure the one takes proper care of skin so that one has beautiful and
flawless skin.
Scientifically, in the aging process, human body is unable to produce requisite proteins that are essential in keeping the skin firm and free from wrinkles and other senile spots. However, as the body ages, it becomes weak and undergoes various changes. One such visible change that manifests itself is growing old. However, if one cannot stop old age, one can make attempts that will help you in aging gracefully.
In order to look graceful and young, it is important that you take proper care of your body. One should remember that early steps will help in strengthening the body and revitalizing the skin. An early care of the body will help you in preparing a foundation for your later years where you appear an enchantingly evergreen beauty. In case if you are looking for some anti-aging secrets and beauty tips, start with healthy diet. A good and balanced diet will provide you all essential nutrients that are essential in developing fit body and glowing skin. The vitamins such as A, C and D will nourish your skin and make it more supple.
Along with a balanced diet, it is essential part to detoxify your body that helps you in gaining porcelain like clear skin which reflects inner beauty and purity. In this regard, water and fresh fruits will help you in detoxifying your body by cleansing the toxic levels. Apart from this, try and stay away from harmful preservatives and processed food. Make sure that you do not smoke or take alcohol as it increases the CO levels in the body. If you are a fitness freak, noting can beat that as it helps in reducing the stress levels. This will help you keeping your body and mind healthy that will indeed reflect on the skin! If you have been using much cosmetics and age defying ointments, make sure to keep yourself away from heavy make up. You can use herbal alternatives that are much better and safe in comparison to beauty products.
These tips are easy to follow and safe than cosmetic surgery and botox injections that is unnatural and costly way of enhancing beauty. Therefore, if you are looking for anti aging tips that make you an ageless beauty, try some natural way to fight wrinkles and sagging skin. So, next time you look for anti aging secrets, follow these tips and transform yourself into a timeless beauty!
You can further detoxify the body from the inside out by utilizing an herbal fiber cleanse. When you detox with natural remedies like fiber and herbs, you positively contribute to your body's vitality. Detoxifying can have myriad anti-aging effects, from promoting radiant skin and hair to reducing bloating and dark-circles.
Scientifically, in the aging process, human body is unable to produce requisite proteins that are essential in keeping the skin firm and free from wrinkles and other senile spots. However, as the body ages, it becomes weak and undergoes various changes. One such visible change that manifests itself is growing old. However, if one cannot stop old age, one can make attempts that will help you in aging gracefully.
In order to look graceful and young, it is important that you take proper care of your body. One should remember that early steps will help in strengthening the body and revitalizing the skin. An early care of the body will help you in preparing a foundation for your later years where you appear an enchantingly evergreen beauty. In case if you are looking for some anti-aging secrets and beauty tips, start with healthy diet. A good and balanced diet will provide you all essential nutrients that are essential in developing fit body and glowing skin. The vitamins such as A, C and D will nourish your skin and make it more supple.
Along with a balanced diet, it is essential part to detoxify your body that helps you in gaining porcelain like clear skin which reflects inner beauty and purity. In this regard, water and fresh fruits will help you in detoxifying your body by cleansing the toxic levels. Apart from this, try and stay away from harmful preservatives and processed food. Make sure that you do not smoke or take alcohol as it increases the CO levels in the body. If you are a fitness freak, noting can beat that as it helps in reducing the stress levels. This will help you keeping your body and mind healthy that will indeed reflect on the skin! If you have been using much cosmetics and age defying ointments, make sure to keep yourself away from heavy make up. You can use herbal alternatives that are much better and safe in comparison to beauty products.
These tips are easy to follow and safe than cosmetic surgery and botox injections that is unnatural and costly way of enhancing beauty. Therefore, if you are looking for anti aging tips that make you an ageless beauty, try some natural way to fight wrinkles and sagging skin. So, next time you look for anti aging secrets, follow these tips and transform yourself into a timeless beauty!
You can further detoxify the body from the inside out by utilizing an herbal fiber cleanse. When you detox with natural remedies like fiber and herbs, you positively contribute to your body's vitality. Detoxifying can have myriad anti-aging effects, from promoting radiant skin and hair to reducing bloating and dark-circles.
Dandruff free hairs
glowing hair is a crowning glory for a woman today. To keep it this way
is not very simple given to-days living conditions. The heat and dust
and also working for long periods in air- conditioned surroundings. The
hair treatments like perms, tinting, and hot rollers also affect the
healthy luster of your hair.

best way to atone for this would be to go "Totally Natural" from time
to time. Just like plants hair too needs proper nourishment. You need to
eat a proper protein rich diet.
The scalp should be clean before oiling the hair. Do brush hair as a daily routine, with firm downward strokes. Wet hair should not be brushed, as hair is weak when it is wet, and breaks easily. Take care and the time to massage the scalp while oiling hair, as this will increase the blood circulation around the roots.
Dandruff is the shedding of dead cells from the scalp. It sometimes leads to boils and pimples too. These are some ways in which we can get rid of dandruff.
Tip 1:
Keep the scalp clean. Oil hair on alternate days and shampoo.
Tip 2:
Mix 2 tspns of Brandy in 1 cup of water. Apply with the fingertips to the roots of hair. Wash after ½ hour with shampoo.
Tip 3:
Mix 1 egg with 1 cup of yogurt and apply on the scalp. Leave for ½ an hour and wash.
Tip 4:
Mix 1 tblspn of Olive oil with 1 tspn of limejuice. Apply well on the scalp and cover the head by tying an old scarf. Keep it on overnight and shampoo the next morning.
Tip 5:
1 tspn of Fenugreek seed powder mixed with an egg. Apply and leave for ½ an hour before shampooing the hair.
Tip 6:
1 tspn fenugreek seed powder mixed with 1 cup of yogurt. Apply and leave for ½ an hour before washing.
Tip 7:
Take 2 tblspns of Beetroot juice and add 1 egg and 1 tspn limejuice to this. Apply and leave for ½ an hour before washing.
Tip 8:
Oil hair well before going to bed. Next morning mix 1 tspn limejuice with ½ tspn salt. Rub this on the scalp with the peel of a lime turned inside out. Leave for 1 hour before shampooing.
The scalp should be clean before oiling the hair. Do brush hair as a daily routine, with firm downward strokes. Wet hair should not be brushed, as hair is weak when it is wet, and breaks easily. Take care and the time to massage the scalp while oiling hair, as this will increase the blood circulation around the roots.
Dandruff is the shedding of dead cells from the scalp. It sometimes leads to boils and pimples too. These are some ways in which we can get rid of dandruff.
Tip 1:
Keep the scalp clean. Oil hair on alternate days and shampoo.
Tip 2:
Mix 2 tspns of Brandy in 1 cup of water. Apply with the fingertips to the roots of hair. Wash after ½ hour with shampoo.
Tip 3:
Mix 1 egg with 1 cup of yogurt and apply on the scalp. Leave for ½ an hour and wash.
Tip 4:
Mix 1 tblspn of Olive oil with 1 tspn of limejuice. Apply well on the scalp and cover the head by tying an old scarf. Keep it on overnight and shampoo the next morning.
Tip 5:
1 tspn of Fenugreek seed powder mixed with an egg. Apply and leave for ½ an hour before shampooing the hair.
Tip 6:
1 tspn fenugreek seed powder mixed with 1 cup of yogurt. Apply and leave for ½ an hour before washing.
Tip 7:
Take 2 tblspns of Beetroot juice and add 1 egg and 1 tspn limejuice to this. Apply and leave for ½ an hour before washing.
Tip 8:
Oil hair well before going to bed. Next morning mix 1 tspn limejuice with ½ tspn salt. Rub this on the scalp with the peel of a lime turned inside out. Leave for 1 hour before shampooing.
Get Shiny Hairs For Forever
There are many ways for you to get shinier hair. The most inexpensive
solutions to shinier hair are home remedies. You can buy hair care
products for under $5 that work really well making your hair look
shinier and healthy.
You can buy hair care products that clean your hair but will leave your hair feeling dry and coarse. If you use extra conditioner in your hair, sometimes it can make your hair clump and feel greasy. Here are some suggestions for hair care that include home remedies.
Here are some suggestions to make your hair shinier and healthier looking:
1. Mane and Tail - Mane and Tail is actually a shampoo and conditioner for horses and is usually used on show horses. Mane and Tail cleans your hair leaving it soft and shiny. These products are excellent to use. I've used these before and it definitely makes your hair soft and shiny.
2. Mayonnaise and peanut oil - A home remedy of mayonnaise and peanut oil will stink while it is on your hair but it makes your hair shiny and soft. Mayonnaise and peanut oil is good for dry hair with split ends. Cover your hair with mayonnaise and peanut oil mix and put plastic or a shower cap over your head. You should use half as much peanut oil as you do mayonnaise. Leave it on your head overnight. This helps with dry damaged hair.
3. Frizz Ease - Frizz Ease is a hair product you can find at a hair dressers or possibly Wal-mart. Frizz Ease gets rid or frizz and split ends leaving your hair soft and shiny. If you have split ends this product is highly recommended. You can buy a small jar for about $5. You apply Frizz Ease with a dropper from the bottle. You put a small drop in your hands and rub the amount onto the end of your hair where the split ends are. Your hair looks healthier and shinier with out the smell of Mayonnaise and peanut oil. Both suggestions were made to me by a hair dresser when I wanted a perm and my hair was too damaged to try it.
4. Trims - One way to keep your hair shiny is to get rid of the split ends. If you've tried different shampoos and conditioners and other home remedies you may want to keep your hair trimmed to keep split ends away. Trimming your hair is quick, easy, and inexpensive. Start cutting your way to that shine.
5. Vaseline - Vaseline has too many uses to name but it has one very important role in shiny hair. Put Vaseline (an extremely small amount) in your hand and then smooth your hair down. This is especially good as a cover up for split ends. Be sure to use very small amounts or your hair will clump.
6. Brush and Comb - Brushing and combing your hair distributes your natural oil through out your hair. If you can sit and brush for long periods of time this is recommended for natural shiny hair.
7. Vitamin E - My grandmother swore by Vitamin E. She said it would make your skin and your hair shine. The best way to use Vitamin E for your hair to shine is to supplement your diet or take Vitamin E pills. You can also use shampoos and conditioners with Vitamin E.
8. Conditioners - Before going out you will be brushing or combing your hair. Take a little bit of conditioner and put it in water. Dip your comb in before combing your hair and you should have shinier hair after combing.
9. Fats - This is not really a good recommendation. Eating foods high in grease and fat will give you shinier hair. You can also just take the grease or fat and smear it in your hair for shine.
You can buy hair care products that clean your hair but will leave your hair feeling dry and coarse. If you use extra conditioner in your hair, sometimes it can make your hair clump and feel greasy. Here are some suggestions for hair care that include home remedies.
Here are some suggestions to make your hair shinier and healthier looking:
1. Mane and Tail - Mane and Tail is actually a shampoo and conditioner for horses and is usually used on show horses. Mane and Tail cleans your hair leaving it soft and shiny. These products are excellent to use. I've used these before and it definitely makes your hair soft and shiny.
2. Mayonnaise and peanut oil - A home remedy of mayonnaise and peanut oil will stink while it is on your hair but it makes your hair shiny and soft. Mayonnaise and peanut oil is good for dry hair with split ends. Cover your hair with mayonnaise and peanut oil mix and put plastic or a shower cap over your head. You should use half as much peanut oil as you do mayonnaise. Leave it on your head overnight. This helps with dry damaged hair.
3. Frizz Ease - Frizz Ease is a hair product you can find at a hair dressers or possibly Wal-mart. Frizz Ease gets rid or frizz and split ends leaving your hair soft and shiny. If you have split ends this product is highly recommended. You can buy a small jar for about $5. You apply Frizz Ease with a dropper from the bottle. You put a small drop in your hands and rub the amount onto the end of your hair where the split ends are. Your hair looks healthier and shinier with out the smell of Mayonnaise and peanut oil. Both suggestions were made to me by a hair dresser when I wanted a perm and my hair was too damaged to try it.
4. Trims - One way to keep your hair shiny is to get rid of the split ends. If you've tried different shampoos and conditioners and other home remedies you may want to keep your hair trimmed to keep split ends away. Trimming your hair is quick, easy, and inexpensive. Start cutting your way to that shine.
5. Vaseline - Vaseline has too many uses to name but it has one very important role in shiny hair. Put Vaseline (an extremely small amount) in your hand and then smooth your hair down. This is especially good as a cover up for split ends. Be sure to use very small amounts or your hair will clump.
6. Brush and Comb - Brushing and combing your hair distributes your natural oil through out your hair. If you can sit and brush for long periods of time this is recommended for natural shiny hair.
7. Vitamin E - My grandmother swore by Vitamin E. She said it would make your skin and your hair shine. The best way to use Vitamin E for your hair to shine is to supplement your diet or take Vitamin E pills. You can also use shampoos and conditioners with Vitamin E.
8. Conditioners - Before going out you will be brushing or combing your hair. Take a little bit of conditioner and put it in water. Dip your comb in before combing your hair and you should have shinier hair after combing.
9. Fats - This is not really a good recommendation. Eating foods high in grease and fat will give you shinier hair. You can also just take the grease or fat and smear it in your hair for shine.
Thursday, 19 April 2012
Skin Peeling Products Under Investigation
"We are warning consumers about the use of skin peelers because they can cause serious injuries, particularly when not used under the supervision of a physician," said Commissioner David A. Kessler, M.D.
The FDA issued the warning after it received reports of several injuries caused by chemical skin peeling products. The products in question contain ingredients that are supposed to remove wrinkles, blemishes, blotches and acne scars, usually claiming that they restore youthful-looking skin. But the FDA says they may penetrate the skin too deeply, causing severe skin damage. In several cases, persons have been hospitalized for severe burns, swelling and pain.
Harsh chemical peeling products contain different ingredients and their strengths vary, as may each person's reactions to the chemicals used. Peeling products usually contain different acids such as resorcinol, phenol, lactic acid, trichloroacetic acid, salicylic acid, and glycolic acid and other alpha hydroxy acids. These are generally applied to the skin for a brief time each day, for 6 to 12 days. The skin initially reddens, like a sunburn, then darkens and finally peels away, revealing what manufacturers claim will be "new skin." But treatments may be painful and leave permanent scars.
Chemical peels used to be performed only by plastic surgeons and dermatologists. However, they are now administered by a variety of non-medical professionals such as cosmetologists and beauticians, some using newly marketed preparations. Some of the products can even be purchased by mail. Many have inadequate instructions; none have been approved by FDA as being safe and effective.
In the course of conducting its investigation, the FDA will review all products marketed with skin peeling claims. Dr. Kessler said FDA is working with state attorneys general who are also taking measures to stop the sale and use of hazardous skin peeling products.
In a warning letter sent to one manufacturer, the FDA said that it considers their product to be a new drug that cannot be legally marketed without FDA approval, and that the product is misbranded and presents a significant health hazard.
Other over-the-counter products designed to renew and rejuvenate are not affected by this announcement. Learn to read the labels on the products you use and choose those that are non-toxic and safe. For more information, see our article on Skin Care Product Labels - Natural vs. Toxic Chemicals
Natural Beauty From Natural Ingredients
In the past, women relied on natural beauty treatments from the ingredients found in their kitchen or gardens. Products created from natural ingredients available at home have essential vitamins, minerals, nutrients and healing properties that work with your body to heal and protect the skin naturally without any cosmetic cover ups.
The basic rule for home made beauty care -
-Keep the recipe simple. Avoid ingredients that you have unpleasant side effects on your skin.
-Sterilize and dry all the equipments and containers.
-Make small batches of the product that you would use each day.
-If you smell any thing rotten or bad, throw out the concoction.
-Do a patch test before trying out any home made beauty recipes to avoid nasty side effects.
-Hygiene and cleanliness is all important.
-Create natural home facial mask at home, keeping in mind your skin type.
Natural Home Facial for Oily Skin - Despite its disadvantages, oil skin is boon in the long run as wrinkles, lines, etc take time to show up than they would on the dry skin making you look younger than your peers. Though one still has to take proper care for oily skin with the right skin care products.
- Peppermint facial - Peppermint dissolves excess oil and gives cool refreshing sensation to the skin. It cleans the pores and kills bacteria that cause acne. Use pure peppermint essential oil. Mix 1 tbsp milk, 1 drop of peppermint oil, 3 tsp distilled water, 2-3 tbsp kaolin to make a soft smooth paste. Apply the peppermint mask on your face. Relax and let the mask harden. After the mask is completely tightened, gently peel and rub off the mask.
Natural Home Facial for Normal Skin - Having a normal skin does not mean that you should avoid taking care for it. Cleanse tone and moisturize your skin daily so your skin will stay healthy for years to come and make you look younger than your peers.
- Peppermint and Lavender oil facial mask - To relieve your self from tensions and headache, peppermint and lavender duo come handy. The natural facial mask relaxes the facial muscles. Mix 1 tsp jojoba or any carrier oil in a bowl with 1 drop of peppermint and lavender essential oils. Add 3 tsp distilled water, 2-3 tbsp kaolin to a smooth spreadable paste. Apply the face mask. Relax and wait for the mask to dry. Peel off solid pieces of hardened mask and use plenty of water to cleanse your face from the rest of the mask.
Natural Home Facial for Dry Skin - The honey and banana combo makes a good facial for dry skin. Honey leaves the skin hydrated with its hydrating properties and bananas with hordes of vitamins, calcium and other essential nutrients keep the skin smooth and soft. The bananas should not be overripe. Mash 1 small banana. Add 1 tsp of honey to it and mix well. Apply this on your face and leave it on for 10 -15 minutes. Wash off with lots of water afterwards.
The reader of this article should exercise all precautions while following instructions on the recipes from this article. Avoid using if you are allergic to something. The responsibility lies with the reader and not the site and the writer
How To Curve Your Eyelashes Using An Eyelash Curler
The pursuit of beauty has become a desperate race. As they say no pain no gain, this rings so true for beauty, as there is no feature on your body that cannot be altered by makeup or beauty routine . The tools used to enhance your beauty can be a little daunting like the eyelash curler. A lot of people are scared to use eyelash curlers; they fear that sticking the metal tool near their eyes will hurt their eyes. But you should not allow this beauty tools intimidate you—if you know how to properly use eyelash curlers; they can be very worth while beauty utensils. Curling your eyelashes is a fine art and once mastered you can have beautiful scrumptious lashes the envy of all. Everyone will enjoy your new fresh look, during evening or daytime.
How to Employ an Eyelash Curler
To get started you should make sure that your eyelashes are clean of other make-up, because curlerstend to work best on clean eyelashes. You should use make-up remover to remove old mascara or other make-up. Eyelash curlers work better when they are slightly hot. You can heat them up by gently using a hair dryer. Place the eyelash curler under the blow dryer for approximately five seconds under low heat. After heating, open the eyelash curler and position near the root of your lashes. Hold the eyelash curler at your eyelashes for ten to thirty seconds. Remember the longer the hold time the more curve you will get. As you move up your lashes clamp and unclamp the curlers. Do the same for your other eye. The lower eyelashes can be curled in the same fashion but this up to you.
Never pull or try to slide eyelash curlers up your eyelashes; this could cause you to accidentally pull out your eyelashes at the roots. Another thing you must not do is use the curlers after applying some makeup product on your eyes like mascara. The result is that the lashes will stick to the eyelash curler as the mascara dries. As a consequence; you could tear your eyelashes from their roots.
Cleanse Your Curlers
As time has passed technology has progressed; many enhancements have been made to eyelash curlers. Now, eyelash curlers are made of more durable materials. Additionally, the pads are softer and gentler. The pads on eyelash curlers are often silicon treated to promote comfort. It is always good practice to change your pad every 2 months even if they do not look worn. If you use a dirty pad this could cause you an eye infection.
Having beautiful curled eyelashes is possible for anyone if they have the right eyelash curler, keep it clean and learn to use it properly
The Many Faces Of Mascara
After finding the right foundation shade, choosing mascara is probably the next most challenging beauty task. Sure, there are less color options, but quality of the product is what will make the difference in the way you look.
Volume building, lengthening, clump-free, hypoallergenic… Will your eyelashes look longer, become curlier or fuller? Will the mascara go on smoothly without clumps and stay on without flaking for many hours to come? In other words, will it live up to the promise, or all these words are nothing more than money-making tricks? In most cases, you will know the answer only after you trade your hard earned money for the little pretty tube.
Lengthening Mascaras
These usually do make your eyelashes a tiny bit longer. This is achieved by the addition of ingredients that build up on the tip of the lashes. Actually, any mascara will visually lengthen the eyelashes. In most people (at least those who feel they need mascara), the tips of eyelashes are lighter and sometimes invisible. When you apply mascara, you show off the real length of your eyelashes. What a nice surprise! If that is still not enough, a lengthening mascara will help.
Volume Building Mascara
If you desire fuller lashes, this is the kind of mascara you need. The effect is provided by the higher concentration of waxes in the formula. They encapsulate each lash, making it more prominent.
Waterproof Mascara
As the name suggests, waterproof mascara stays intact even in contact with water. Synthetic polymers, included in the formula, instantly freeze around each lash, creating a water resistant barrier. There is a downside, though. Waterproof mascaras usually make eyelashes pretty stiff. In addition, waterproof mascara will rarely perform for more than 3 months, becoming flaky afterwards. Choosing a mascara that is truly water resistant can also be tricky, and the price is not always the true indicator of quality.
Hypoallergenic Mascaras
Hypoallergenic mascaras are formulated to reduce the odds of triggering an allergic reaction. Fragrances are known to be the most aggressive allergy causing components in cosmetics, so they are excluded from hypoallergenic formulas. In some people, ingredients other than fragrances may create problems. Testing is always a good idea to avoid puffy, itchy and watery eyes. Apply a small amount of mascara to the back of your ear. If the area does not get inflamed or itchy after a few hours, the product is safe for the eyes.
Colorless Mascaras
Colorless mascaras are designed for weak or damaged eyelashes, but healthy lashes will certainly benefit as well. Sometimes these mascaras are made with vitamins, vitamin B in particular, and plant extracts. They are used as a base coat under color mascara to add length, thickness and volume. In addition, they are great to shape your eyebrows.
Do you need all the different kinds of mascaras? Of course, not. These days, manufacturers try to combine several features in one tube. However, it is difficult to be perfect all around. A mascara may perform better adding length, but not so good at building volume, or vice versa. It may resist water well, but won’t curl as expected. And who needs the perfect curl if it can’t provide the water resistance you need?
Try and error method is probably the only sure way to find a mascara that is right for you and for your eyes, but it may become expensive. Don’t despair. Look at it from another angle: with the ever-changing variety of products, search for the perfect mascara will never be boring
The Best Body Hair Removal Options for Men
Some of the world's hottest, most sought after male celebrities remove hair from their body, and it often gives them a nice, tones and even look because it takes away a lot of the distraction from what usually are fine, chiseled muscular features.
A lot of my male friends do say that hair on their backs and chest often bothers them, especially hair that grows on the back and neck, because that is less accepted as an ideal aesthetic, even than a lot of chest hair, where it's expected to grow on men.
Other than the very costly procedure of laser hair removal, what are some of the other options that men have for hair removal? Well, in short, they have the same options that women have to remove hair on the most sought after spot on their body to get hair gone, their legs.
There are special devices called epilators that work for both men and women to pull body hair out by its root, and make it more difficult for hair at those locations to grow back.
Once the hair does grow back, especially after a few times around with an epilator, it is very soft and finer than it was before, making it less noticeable and a heck of a lot more aesthetically pleasing.
These epilators are primarily made for women, because that is their target market, but there are a few that are marketed for the removal of male hair as well, that are more distinctly engineered for coarser and harder to remove hairs.
They can run the gamut when it comes to pricing though, anywhere from fifty to hundreds of dollars in some cases, and with these devices, you do often get what you pay for.
Some of the complaints about epilators is that they are painful and may make the skin bleed or become irritated after use, but many people, men and women love them, and they do become accustomed to any associated pain after a few treatments.
It is akin to electrolysis, except your hair will grow back more quickly, but with repeat use, you may only have to use a good epilator once every month. Of course, this varies depending on the individual's growth rate and the type of hair they have (ie, coarse or fine).
Another option for men is some of these great new hair removal gels and creams that are designed to sink down into the follicle, and inhibit hair growth for several weeks.
The more you use them, the better and longer they are supposed to inhibit hair growth, so many people love using them, including bodybuilders who rely on a hairless body to show off their muscles and definition to win competitions.
Electrolysis is another option for men wishing to get rid of bodily hair, but this is both expensive and painful. In fact, I knew someone who underwent the procedure several times and actually had a bit of scarring from the procedure. I'm sure the process is more refined now, but I wouldn't risk it.
Some men still like to use the handy old razor or electric shaver to get rid of hair, but this of course results in harder to remove hair and a more coarse and darker hair, since this is how shaving affects body hair. In the end, shaving takes more work, and it grows back many times within one day.
For my money, I'd say that a top notch hair removal cream or epilator would be my method of choice, both for the economic aspect as well as for an ease of use and permanence perspective. These both can dramatically cut down on your hair removal routines, and they won't put a huge dent in your wallet at the same time. I'd say that's a win/win situation!