Saturday, 31 March 2012
Thursday, 29 March 2012
The Magic Of Aloe Vera Skin Care!
Aloe vera skin care smoothens, softens, and moisturizes the skin.
It reduces the anti-aging signs such as fine lines, wrinkles, etc., and provides the skin with a health, young and beautiful look.

Skin, the largest organ of our body, cares our body in several ways.However, in turn, we subject our skin to an onerous routine where we do harm to our skin regularly by exposing it to ultraviolet rays and harsh wind, using harmful product ingredients, scrubbing vigorously with harsh soaps, removing unwanted hair using razor blades, using moisture-sucking perfumes and in several other ways.
Treating the skin rigorously encourages a wide-range of pathogens to enter into the skin and develop skin-related problems such as dermatitis, eczema, allergies, and sunburns.Normally, skin acts as a barrier and defeats against pathogens from entering and developing skin problems.However, treating the skin onerously can make your skin incapable in defeating the pathogens. That is the reason why you need aloe vera skin care. Aloe vera skin care provides your skin with the best defense
SIBA ( Skin Infected By Air pollution)
our body's overproduction of a shiny substance called sebum is the most common reason for oily skin on your forehead. While an oily forehead often causes self-esteem issues and discomfort, you can take to several steps to relieve the condition and restore a healthy appearance to your skin.
our body's overproduction of a shiny substance called sebum is the most common reason for oily skin on your forehead. While an oily forehead often causes self-esteem issues and discomfort, you can take to several steps to relieve the condition and restore a healthy appearance to your skin.
Wednesday, 28 March 2012
Lip Care Routine
Lip care is an integral part of beauty regimen.It is so because the lip skin is very sensitive and tender.Consequently age easily leaves its mark.Proper lip care routine results in soft, supple and full lips.
Before we can discuss about lip care we need to understand the basic structure of lip and the tissue surrounds it.The skin of the lip has three to five cellular layers and hence is very delicate.Another interesting fact about lip skin is that it does not have any sebaceous glands.For these reasons, the lips dry out faster and become chapped more easily.Lip has a lot of nerve endings and therefore is very sensitive.Since lip skin is so delicate it has a tendency to shrink and thin with age.Smoking and aging process has its toll on the lips and lip lines develop giving a very aged and older look to appearance.In fact healthy full lips take off years from your appearance.Only a few simple steps ensure that you have a young and healthy look because of your lips.
Now let us have a look at these lip care steps.
Before we can discuss about lip care we need to understand the basic structure of lip and the tissue surrounds it.The skin of the lip has three to five cellular layers and hence is very delicate.Another interesting fact about lip skin is that it does not have any sebaceous glands.For these reasons, the lips dry out faster and become chapped more easily.Lip has a lot of nerve endings and therefore is very sensitive.Since lip skin is so delicate it has a tendency to shrink and thin with age.Smoking and aging process has its toll on the lips and lip lines develop giving a very aged and older look to appearance.In fact healthy full lips take off years from your appearance.Only a few simple steps ensure that you have a young and healthy look because of your lips.
Now let us have a look at these lip care steps.
- The most important point is to remember is that dry skin cause wrinkles- more so in case of delicate lip skin.So keep your skin hydrated and supple by drinking sufficient amount of water.Excessive intake of coffee and tea has dehydrating effect.So cut down on those.You can consider taking vitamin E supplement to keep your skin soft and supple.
- If you are a smoker give up smoking.Smoking not only dries the lips, it also reduces oxygen supply to the lip skin which provides the essential nutrient to the blood cells.Healthy and ample blood flow to the lip tissue gives you healthy pink lips.You can consider taking iron supplements to add a healthy pink glow to your face and lips.
- Exfoliating the lips regularly removes dead skin and helps generate new soft skin.You can use any lip scrub available in the shops or home made lip scrubs.One easy method of exfoliating the lips is to apply your favorite lip balm generously.Take any old tooth brush, wet it and thin dip it into a pinch of sugar. Scrub your lips with a light hand with this brush.Wash off and again apply lip balm.
- If you are the kind of person who spends a lot of time exposed to the UV ray of the sun remembers to use a lip balm with SPF.
- Topical application of vitamin E oil not only keeps your lips soft, it helps in reducing lip lines.Same goes for almond oil.
- Apply honey to your lips for a few minutes and wash off to get soft lips.Honey is a natural moisturizer.
- Use lemon ridges to scrub your lips to remove any darkness from lip skin.Lemon is a natural skin lightener.
Home Treatments for Dark Lips
Long-term use of cigarettes — especially lower-quality — can permanently darken lips over time, due to the harsh nicotine in it. But there are some things you can do yourself to help lighten dark lips and remove some of the staining that the smoking can cause.
Try lime and honey. A mixture of lime juice, honey, and glycerine, applied regularly, could help lighten dark lips. You’ll need to apply it every day for several weeks before you see any positive effects.
Consider almonds, butter, and milk. After you wash your lips, apply almond milk, almond oil, or cream made from milk, and let it stay on your lips for at least one hour. Continue using this treatment daily for several weeks to lighten your lips.
Experiment with other natural ingredients. Some experts suggest beetroot, pomegranate, or coriander juice to lighten lips. To make coriander juice, grind up some coriander leaves in a blender.
Moisturize your lips. Keeping your lips moisturized can help make them appear lighter. You can try natural lip softeners like clarified butter or over-the-counter products like Vaseline to help condition your lips and lighten them. Apply either of these to your lips at night and as needed during the day to help moisturize and protect them.
Use lemons. Lemon juice is well known for its skin-lightening abilities. You can make a paste of equal parts lemon juice, graham flour, yogurt, and honey, and rub it onto your lips. Leave the paste on your lips for a half hour, then wash it off.
Keep your lips covered. Use sunscreen to protect your lips — the sun can increase the amount of pigment in your lips, making them even darker.
Limit your exposure to other potential skin darkeners. Cigarettes, coffee, and tea do more than stain teeth — they can also darken lips. Give your lips a break from these potential stainers.
Consult a doctor. If these home remedies don’t solve the problem, make an appointment with your dermatologist or doctor. He or she can prescribe an intensive lightening cream or another treatment to help lighten your dark lips and bring them back to a more natural color.
Monday, 26 March 2012
Sunday, 25 March 2012
Skin Care Tips for Men

Never use bar soap.
The binders that hold a bar of soap together are in an alkaline base (high pH balance), which will strip all the water and natural oils out of the skin, causing the surface of the skin to dehydrate. Instead, use a low-foaming cleansing gel that still will give a deep pore cleaning, but won’t leave the skin feeling tight and dry. The skin cells need to stay moist in order to be healthy, as without water, acne conditions and sensitive skin will be aggravated…
Use a shaving gel instead of foam.
The key to a comfortable shave is to condition the skin prior to shaving to soften the hair and the hair follicle. If you’re prone to ingrown hairs, this one is important. Many men shave after showering when the skin is moist, but for sensitive skin, that may not be enough. You need an emollient-based shaving cream that, when applied to the skin, softens the hair and follicle so that when a razor goes across the skin, there is less irritation. Typical foam shaving creams are not emollient enough. Look for gel-based shaving creams that instantly lubricate and hydrate, so that the razor glides easily across the skin, lessening irritation, rashes, and ingrown hairs.
Wear moisturizer with sunscreen.
Knowing that the number one cause of aging is exposure to daylight, it is important to keep the skin protected by using a moisturizer (with the sunscreen built in) 365 days a year. Most men certainly don’t like anything feeling greasy on the skin, so choose formulas with zinc oxide that give a much lighter feel on the skin.
Get deep pore cleansing facials every change of season.
Men are prone to blackheads and clogged pores mostly on the nose and forehead area, and the safest way to get those pores cleaned out is with a professional facial. And you’ll get to enjoy their freshly clean face as well, which is always a plus.
Avoid using alcohol-based aftershave.
Many men like the clean and tight feeling associated with using alcohol-based aftershaves, and they have been told that these close the pores. Contrary to popular opinion, pores do not open and close like doors. Using alcohol-based aftershaves only results in more problems, as alcohol causes dead skin cell buildup, keeping hair trapped in the skin, leading to more ingrown hairs and sensitivity. Instead use a calming, oil-free moisturizer that will soothe the skin after the abrasiveness of shaving instead of burning it.
Men like an easy routine. These small tips for the men in your life will make sure their routine stays simple while their skin stays healthy and radiant.
Thursday, 22 March 2012
Skin care after swimming
Swimming is the best exercise for your body it keeps you relax and helps your body to release happy hormones. It is a wonderful blend of fun with exercise.
A good swim can make you energetic and fresh. Swimming tones your body and also releases those 'happy' hormones to keep you going for the day. Though it is a good exercise, it still has some flip points and one major reason is its harmful effects on the skin.
Read on to find out more about how to save your skin from damage after a good swim.
- Chlorine presence in the water is really harmful for your skin. Exposure to chlorine will make your skin dry and also aids the skin in losing moisture excessively. If you have swim in the chlorine water you must take a shower with lukewarm water and some soap it will help you get rid of the chlorine in your skin.
- Put loads of moisturizer on your skin after a bath so that while your skin in damp, most of the cream will be absorbed. This will keep the dryness in check. It is also a good idea to apply a light waterproof sunscreen lotion before you take a dip.
- Banana is known to be a good cleanser. Use a banana pack to reduce the dark spots around your face, neck, arms and legs. Let the pack be till it dries up completely and then rinse.
- Drinking lots of water is imperative when you are swimming. While doing this exercise, keeping your body hydrated is a very good idea. Also, a regular intake of fresh fruits and vegetables with vitamin C and A will give your skin that much needed glow.
- Swimming is indeed a wonderful exercise, but it can make your skin look dull and dark if not taken care of. So, next time before you jump into the pool, take a few minutes to follow these simple tips for a beautiful you!
Wednesday, 21 March 2012
Acne Treatments and Acne Skin Care
Acne is a common skin disease that affects the areas containing the largest oil glands. It occurs when the oil-secreting glands in the skin are clogged and become inflamed or infected.
According to Ayurveda, Acne is believed to be from Pitta dosha aggravation and it happens due to the excessive intake of alcohol, tea, coffee, spicy, oily and fried foods. Stress, tension, pollution and chemicals are also among the major causes for skin diseases like acne, boils, pimples and rashes. The disease is seen mostly in teenagers and it is estimated that Ninety percent of teenagers get acne.
According to Ayurveda, Acne is believed to be from Pitta dosha aggravation and it happens due to the excessive intake of alcohol, tea, coffee, spicy, oily and fried foods. Stress, tension, pollution and chemicals are also among the major causes for skin diseases like acne, boils, pimples and rashes. The disease is seen mostly in teenagers and it is estimated that Ninety percent of teenagers get acne.
Tips for Eye Beauty, Vision Care and Eye Health Care
Eyes are one of the most important organ in the human body and vision is one of the most wonderful gift. But often many people neglect the importance of eye care and do not pay proper attention towards eye care.
Given below are some eye care tips for beautiful and attractive eyes.
Given below are some eye care tips for beautiful and attractive eyes.
- Dip a cotton pad in a cup of water overnight. Strain this in the morning and add 1 cup of plain water to this. Splash the eyes with this water or wash them with the help of an eyecup.
- Dip a pad of cotton wool in rose water to which 2-3 drops of Castor oil is mixed. Place these soaked pads on the eyelids for 15-20 minutes. Eye burns and other problems will be reduced.
- Splash the eyes with a weak n very liter tea solution, thoroughly strained and cooled for 2 to 3 minutes.
- Place Cotton pads dipped in a cold tea solution for an hour on the eyelids for 10 to 15 minutes and relax
Tuesday, 20 March 2012
Nail cuticle Problem Solution
- Avoid using harsh soaps, detergents when washing your utensils, clothes and avoid using harsh hand washes
- In free time or while bathing use baking soda to clean your nails and soften your cuticles, it will also give shine to your nails.
- At night you can apply a thick coating of olive oil to your hands and wear cotton gloves.
- If possible, try to get a manicure done once a month or else try doing it at home.
- You can also apply a thick layer of milk cream to your nails. This will be absorbed into your skin quite easily and will make a big difference in healing your skin as well.
- Exfoliation is recommended once a week to get rid of dry cuticles.
- To strengthen your nails apply vegetable oil on the finger tips and massage your nails with it.
- Never cut or tear your cuticle. Soak your hands for 20 minutes, and then use a soft washcloth or and orange stick to push them back.
- Take a vitamin E capsule, break it open, and massage the oil into your nails and cuticles. This moisturizes nails and gives them a shiny appearance. It’s like getting a glossy top coat in seconds.
- Always try using cuticle creams which contains natural oils such as almond oil, sweet almond or safflower.
These are the best ways to prevent cuticle problems, and get those long sensual dramatic nails like a celebrity. Please feel free to share any tip to prevent cuticle problem.
3 Basic Nail Care Tips For Healthy Nails
Keep your nails strong, healthy and beautiful with these nail care tips.
The most important aspect in maintaining good looking nails is to protect them from damage. Fortunately, there are numerous ways for us to do this. One is to avoid submerging our nails in water for a long period. This can be very damaging as too much moisture can weaken the nails. The effect is splitting, breaking, and peeling nails due to overexposure to water.
Protect your nails from harsh chemicals as well. Most of the commercial products that we use contain chemicals that may be damaging to our nails. If possible, use only acetone-free nail polish removers as they are milder compared to acetone-based ones. But then again, limit your usage of nail polish remover as they can still dry out your nails.
Never use your nails as tools in opening containers, bottles, and cans. Use a bottle opener rather than your nails. Avoid the habit of opening letters using your nails, too. Avoid scraping things off or prying things open with your nails. There are corresponding tools designed to do such things.
To make your nails a little more resistant to water, wear nail polish or a clear nail hardener. Nail polish application does play an important role in proper nail care. It not only acts as a fashion style and accessory but it also aids in providing a protective layer for your nails. You can settle with clear nail polish if you prefer the natural look. Go for chic colored nail polish or eye-catching nail art if you want your nails to be more noticeable.
But whichever you choose, there are some things that you should still consider. You still need to prepare your nail plate prior to polish application. Clean, trim, file and buff your nails to create a clean and smooth surface. Apply a base coat so the polish won’t stain your nails. Both base coat and top coat will lengthen the life of the polish on your nails, which means lengthening the days before your subject them to the harsh chemicals contained in nail polish remover.
In general, you should not subject your nails to manicure and pedicure more than once a week.
To protect your nails from water, wear gloves when washing dishes, gardening, and doing other house chores. Use gloves as well when using bleach, solvents, and other cleaning products. Also, limit the amount of time that your hands are immersed in water. When removing nail polish, soak them in nail polish remover only in a few minutes.
Eat a healthy diet and go for foods rich in calcium and protein as they can help promote healthy and strong nails. Biotin, a substance in most dietary supplements, and Vitamin E contribute to healthy nails and hair as well. To keep the proper blood flow in your fingers, massage your nails with hand cream. Also, keep your nails at a considerable length to prevent getting caught and breaking.
The most important aspect in maintaining good looking nails is to protect them from damage. Fortunately, there are numerous ways for us to do this. One is to avoid submerging our nails in water for a long period. This can be very damaging as too much moisture can weaken the nails. The effect is splitting, breaking, and peeling nails due to overexposure to water.
Protect your nails from harsh chemicals as well. Most of the commercial products that we use contain chemicals that may be damaging to our nails. If possible, use only acetone-free nail polish removers as they are milder compared to acetone-based ones. But then again, limit your usage of nail polish remover as they can still dry out your nails.
Never use your nails as tools in opening containers, bottles, and cans. Use a bottle opener rather than your nails. Avoid the habit of opening letters using your nails, too. Avoid scraping things off or prying things open with your nails. There are corresponding tools designed to do such things.
To make your nails a little more resistant to water, wear nail polish or a clear nail hardener. Nail polish application does play an important role in proper nail care. It not only acts as a fashion style and accessory but it also aids in providing a protective layer for your nails. You can settle with clear nail polish if you prefer the natural look. Go for chic colored nail polish or eye-catching nail art if you want your nails to be more noticeable.
But whichever you choose, there are some things that you should still consider. You still need to prepare your nail plate prior to polish application. Clean, trim, file and buff your nails to create a clean and smooth surface. Apply a base coat so the polish won’t stain your nails. Both base coat and top coat will lengthen the life of the polish on your nails, which means lengthening the days before your subject them to the harsh chemicals contained in nail polish remover.
In general, you should not subject your nails to manicure and pedicure more than once a week.
To protect your nails from water, wear gloves when washing dishes, gardening, and doing other house chores. Use gloves as well when using bleach, solvents, and other cleaning products. Also, limit the amount of time that your hands are immersed in water. When removing nail polish, soak them in nail polish remover only in a few minutes.
Eat a healthy diet and go for foods rich in calcium and protein as they can help promote healthy and strong nails. Biotin, a substance in most dietary supplements, and Vitamin E contribute to healthy nails and hair as well. To keep the proper blood flow in your fingers, massage your nails with hand cream. Also, keep your nails at a considerable length to prevent getting caught and breaking.
Care of hands
Well said by someone that, even if you have no words to articulate it, your hands can tell countless stories about your life! Taking care of your hands is as good as taking care of your skin and body. Neglecting them will leave bad effect to overall personality because these are noticed in your non verbal communication. They can be described as the most-used part of your body. Thus, it is your core responsibility to take good care of your hands and treat them well. Spending a few minutes on a quick manicure will leave you with enviable hands! For a better insight into achieving soft and beautiful hands (nails included), read this article and start grooming yourself the right way!
Hand Care Tips

Deficiencies in Vitamin B can cause ridged nail beds. Lack of calcium can result in brittle and dry nails that chip off easily. For this purpose, be sure to eat foods high in these vitamins or take supplements to improve the look of your
Hand Care Treatments
- Another great tip to keep your hands looking beautiful is a combination of milk cream, ground almond, glycerin and lemon juice. This bleaches your hands as well as removes the dead cells.
- Honey and orange juice contains AHA that proves to be an excellent way to keep your hands protected from the harsh rays of the sun and remove the tan.
- Application of egg white also makes a good hand mask. It makes the skin tight and prevents formation of wrinkles.
- Cucumber juice and glycerin can be mixed and applied on the hands once a day. This gives a moisturizing as well as a fresh look.
how to prevent premature Aging with Antioxidents:
There is currently a lot of talk in the press on the subject of antioxidants and how effective they are in preventing excessive free-radical damage - or 'oxidative stress', as it is technically known. That being the case, it would be helpful to understand what Free-Radicals and Antioxidants are and why their interaction is so important to our health and longevity.
The rate at which we oxidise is the rate at which we age.
What do we mean by oxidise?
Oxygen is essential for basic cell-function in humans and most animals. However, research is showing that oxygen can produce toxic substances, such as peroxide, superoxide, hydroxyl radicals, and "excited stage oxygen". These highly reactive substances combine with other molecules in the body with destructive effects. They form "free-radicals', which are high-energy chemical substances 'looking' for something to combine with. This is known as free-radical damage or oxidisation.
Oxidisation occurs when an excess of oxygen in our bodies (from exercise or metabolic processes) causes the rapid production of free-radicals and the body's supply of antioxidants is not enough to counteract this reaction, once it has started.
Research has shown that free-radical reactions in our bodies are responsible for inflammation, ageing, drug-induced damage, degenerative arthritis, alterations in immunity, cancer and cardiovascular disease.
Free Radicals Are the Cause of Oxidative Stress
Some free-radicals are generated from normal body functions like breathing, metabolism, digesting polyunsaturated fats and physical activity. Others are created by the immune system to neutralize viruses and bacteria.
What Causes Free-Radicals to Form?
* Exercise, particularly aerobic or any cardiovascular exercise, produces a lot of free radicals and oxidisation.
* Eating polyunsaturated fats. (Yes, the ones that were once considered to be healthy!)
* Consuming trans-fatty acids, such as all margarines, olive oil based spreads, and heart health spreads made with polyunsaturated oils.
* Cooking with fats, particularly POLYUNSATURATED oils - and even Olive Oil. All fats oxidise, with the exception of Virgin Coconut Oil.
The rate at which we oxidise is the rate at which we age.
What do we mean by oxidise?
Oxygen is essential for basic cell-function in humans and most animals. However, research is showing that oxygen can produce toxic substances, such as peroxide, superoxide, hydroxyl radicals, and "excited stage oxygen". These highly reactive substances combine with other molecules in the body with destructive effects. They form "free-radicals', which are high-energy chemical substances 'looking' for something to combine with. This is known as free-radical damage or oxidisation.
Oxidisation occurs when an excess of oxygen in our bodies (from exercise or metabolic processes) causes the rapid production of free-radicals and the body's supply of antioxidants is not enough to counteract this reaction, once it has started.
Research has shown that free-radical reactions in our bodies are responsible for inflammation, ageing, drug-induced damage, degenerative arthritis, alterations in immunity, cancer and cardiovascular disease.
Free Radicals Are the Cause of Oxidative Stress
Some free-radicals are generated from normal body functions like breathing, metabolism, digesting polyunsaturated fats and physical activity. Others are created by the immune system to neutralize viruses and bacteria.
What Causes Free-Radicals to Form?
* Exercise, particularly aerobic or any cardiovascular exercise, produces a lot of free radicals and oxidisation.
* Eating polyunsaturated fats. (Yes, the ones that were once considered to be healthy!)
* Consuming trans-fatty acids, such as all margarines, olive oil based spreads, and heart health spreads made with polyunsaturated oils.
* Cooking with fats, particularly POLYUNSATURATED oils - and even Olive Oil. All fats oxidise, with the exception of Virgin Coconut Oil.
* Smoking.
* Alcohol.
* Lack of sleep.
* Everyday toxins (from foods, pesticides, herbicides, chemicals and additives.
* Pollution (such as petrol and exhaust fumes),
* Electro-magnetic Radiation.
* Stress - both emotional and physical
In order to appreciate how antioxidants help counteract free-radicals, here's a quick overview of chemistry/physiology 101.
The human body is composed of different types of cells. Cells are made up of many different types of molecules. Molecules consist of one or more atoms, of one or more elements, joined by chemical bonds.
Atoms are comprised of a nucleus, neutrons, protons and electrons. The number of protons (positively charged particles) in the atom's nucleus determines the number of electrons (negatively charged particles) surrounding the atom. Electrons are involved in chemical reactions and their attraction for each other forms the bonds that 'glue' atoms together to form molecules. Electrons surround or "orbit" an atom in one or more shells. The innermost shell is complete when it has two electrons. When the first shell is full, electrons begin to fill the second shell. When the second shell has eight electrons, it is full, and so on.
The most important structural feature of an atom for determining its chemical behaviour is the number of electrons in its outer shell. A substance that has a full outer shell is considered stable or 'inert', and won't enter into chemical reactions. Because atoms 'seek' to reach a state of maximum stability, an atom will attempt to fill its outer shell by:
•gaining or losing electrons to either fill or empty its outer
•sharing its electrons by bonding together with other atoms
in order to complete its outer shell
Often atoms complete their outer shells by sharing electrons with other atoms. By sharing electrons, the atoms bond together and fulfil the conditions for maximum stability for the molecule.
What are Free-Radicals
Free-radicals are highly reactive molecules that are produced simultaneously when the body burns oxygen to produce energy, such as during exercise or in the process of metabolising fats. Free-radicals are single atoms with unpaired electrons, "looking for a mate". A molecule that's missing an electron is not a happy molecule. So, rather than just accept its path of being single, it steals another electron from the first thing it encounters. As free-radicals do not have any discriminating ability, they will steal an electron from the first thing they encounter.
This may be a cell wall from arteries, or a strand of DNA, or anything else it encounters in its attempt to pair up with another electron.
This process continues until two free-radicals meet and react, satisfying their lone electrons. Even though this might be a satisfying outcome for the two lone electrons, their union has left a trail of destruction, causing prolific cell damage to other cells, left beyond repair.
As free-radical damage mounts, affected cells can no longer perform properly. Tissues degrade and, in time, disease sets in. An excess of free radicals has been cited in the development of cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and cancer. Aging, itself, has been defined as a gradual accumulation of free-radical damage.
This process continues until two free-radicals meet and react, satisfying their lone electrons. Even though this might be a satisfying outcome for the two lone electrons, their union has left a trail of destruction, causing prolific cell damage to other cells, left beyond repair.
As free-radical damage mounts, affected cells can no longer perform properly. Tissues degrade and, in time, disease sets in. An excess of free radicals has been cited in the development of cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and cancer. Aging, itself, has been defined as a gradual accumulation of free-radical damage.
How can we prevent Free-Radical Damage?
There are two solutions. The first and most obvious is to avoid the causes of free-radical damage, such as by avoiding the use of all polyunsaturated fats in cooking and use saturated fats, such as virgin coconut oil, which never oxidizes. In addition, eliminate toxins from our diet and lifestyle. Yet, even if we do all these things, we will still encounter free-radical damage due to the fact that we need oxygen and we need to exercise - and that produces a lot of free radical stress. The second solution is to rely on the help of Mother Nature by obtaining ANTIOXIDANTS from our food.
Normally the body can handle free radicals but, if the supply of antioxidants is insufficient, free-radical production becomes excessive with resulting damage to cells and tissues.
What are Antioxidants?
Antioxidants are molecules that come from nature, which neutralize free-radicals by donating one of their own electrons, ending the "electron-stealing" behaviour of the free-radicals. The antioxidant nutrients themselves don't become free-radicals in the process of donating an electron because they are stable in either form. They act as scavengers, helping to prevent cell and tissue damage that could lead to cellular damage and disease.
You can see antioxidants at work in your own kitchen. Slice an apple in half and watch it turn brown. That's oxidation, due to oxygen reacting with the apple creating free-radicals.
If, however, you dip the apple in some lemon juice, the rate at which the apple turns brown is slowed down because the vitamin C in the lemon juice decreases the rate of free radical activity taking place.
Since the body cannot manufacture antioxidants, these very important molecules need to come from our diet and the right supplements.
We now know that to minimise free-radical damage – which, in essence, is premature ageing - we need to include an adequate supply of antioxidants in our diet, on a daily basis. There are two categories of antioxidants: water soluble, such as Vitamin C, and fat soluble, such as vitamins A and E.
Vitamin C is the most abundant water-soluble antioxidant in the body. It acts primarily in cellular fluid and helps return vitamin E to its active form. It is found in citrus fruits, blackcurrants, berries, guavas and peppers as some of its main sources.
Vitamin A and, to lesser degree, Beta Carotene (vegetable form of vitamin A) are essential in keeping the mucous membranes that line all the cavities of our bodies in a healthy condition.
It is highly recommended that vitamin A be consumed from the diet rather than from supplements (particularly in the case of beta carotene), as it offers maximal potential for health benefits, which supplements cannot. The richest sources of vitamin A are liver, cod liver oil, butter, and egg yolks.
Vitamin A is also found in a variety of dark green and deep orange fruits and vegetables, such as carrots, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, spinach, butternut squash, turnip greens, mustard greens, and romaine lettuce. Beta carotene is the most active carotenoid (the red, orange, and yellow pigments) form of vitamin A, but it is inefficiently absorbed by the human body and is converted to retinol, which does not happen to vitamin A derived from animal sources.
Vitamin E (d-alpha tocopherol) is the most abundant fat-soluble antioxidant in the body and is one of the most efficient antioxidants available. It is also a primary defender against fat oxidation. It is found in nuts, some seeds, peas and wheat germ.
So, if you eat enough of foods that contain these vitamins, would that be sufficient antioxidant intake? Not quite. For a start, eating a lot of fruit would hinder the benefits, as fruits contain high amounts of sugar in the form of fructose and the liver does not digest fructose easily. Very small amounts are okay, but any more than 2 pieces of fruit daily would be too much fructose, which would burden the liver and also cause bloating. This is why most people do not do well on fruit juices, as fruit juices cause low-blood sugar, leading to cravings. In addition, if the sources are not organic, then we are adding to free-radical damage by ingesting pesticides and chemicals, which is a feature of a high non-organic, vegetable/fruit diet
Vitamin E (d-alpha tocopherol) is the most abundant fat-soluble antioxidant in the body and is one of the most efficient antioxidants available. It is also a primary defender against fat oxidation. It is found in nuts, some seeds, peas and wheat germ.
So, if you eat enough of foods that contain these vitamins, would that be sufficient antioxidant intake? Not quite. For a start, eating a lot of fruit would hinder the benefits, as fruits contain high amounts of sugar in the form of fructose and the liver does not digest fructose easily. Very small amounts are okay, but any more than 2 pieces of fruit daily would be too much fructose, which would burden the liver and also cause bloating. This is why most people do not do well on fruit juices, as fruit juices cause low-blood sugar, leading to cravings. In addition, if the sources are not organic, then we are adding to free-radical damage by ingesting pesticides and chemicals, which is a feature of a high non-organic, vegetable/fruit diet
Monday, 19 March 2012
Hair Loss Prevention
All people lose hair on a daily basis, unfortunately many people will go through rapid hair loss without new hair coming in to replace it which results in thinning hair which possibly leads to some degree of baldness. Hereditary plays a major role in the severity of hair loss but improper care of your hair along with an unhealthy lifestyle may cause early hair loss.
Hair Loss Prevention
- Getting proper nutrition is essential for healthy hair.
- Water, protein, biotin (part of the vitamin B complex), vitamins A, B6, B12, C, copper, iron, omega 3 fatty acids, zinc, calcium, folic acid, and magnesium all play a part in maintaining a healthy scalp, skin, and hair.
- Using your fingertips to massage your scalp will increase circulation in your scalp which is important for hair growth.
- Gentle combing or brushing of your hair will help break up hardened oils that clog your pores. It is recommended that you comb or brush 100-200 strokes in the morning and at night.
- Avoid excessive wind, sun, and heat (such as from hair dryers, hot showers, and curling irons) on your hair.
- Tight fitting caps and hats will cause poor circulation in your scalp and will also cause build-up of sweat and grime.
- If you have live a high stressed life try reducing stress by taking some time out daily just to relax, excessive stress is believed to induce hair loss.
- If you color your hair, limit coloring it to once every 2 months. Hair coloring damages your hair and the less frequently you color it the better.
- Avoid putting too much physical stress on your hair; brush/comb your hair gently, don't pull your hair when you brush and avoid braids and ponytails if possible, they place constant stress on your hair.
- Get enough sleep.
- Use a conditioner and trim any split ends.
- See your doctor or a dermatologist for advice if you have concerns about hair loss and want to seek treatment.
Wednesday, 14 March 2012
Tuesday, 13 March 2012
four simple steps to get young skin:
To keep your skin younger, you need to cleanse, exfoliate and moisturized. Apply sunscreen before leaving house, use at least 30 SPF sunscreen.
Follow this four step process to get ever young skin.
Your skin care regime should follow these four basic steps:
1. Cleansing:
Find out a cleanser that best suits your skin, and stick to it .chose a creamy cleanser if you have dry skin and a clean cleanser if you have oily skin. but be careful do not cleanse skin too often.
You realy need to wash off your face at night to remove makeup and sunscreen which can clog pores.
Also remove eye makeup with an eye remover,be carefull while removing makeup as eye skin is more delecate do not rub or pull hard.
Never wash your face with hot or cold water, it can cause broken capillaries.
2. Exfoliating:
This step is most important, and most people skip this step. Use an exfoliator (scrub) weekly it removes top dead layer of skin, and it makes your skin look more fresh and young.
3. Moisturize:
You should use a moisturizer, it gives softness to your skin. which is essential for all skin type.
4. Sunscreen:
Wrinkles are one of the reasons, of skin damage. Start using sunscreen in your early age. And use it in winters and cloudy wether as for day and one for night against UV protection. Use a sunscreen which contain Mexoryl it found in Neutrogena products.
By:Rabel jatoi
Wednesday, 7 March 2012
Nutritious food for thick hairs:
To make sure your hairs grow faster and thicker naturally , you should evaluate your diet weather it has following elements or not.
Your diet should include , vitamin A vitamin , B Complex , vitamin C , vitamin E , Omega 3 fatty acid protein , zinc and magnesium rich food.
Carrots, peaches, apricots, bananas, avocados, strawberries, kiwi, are foods containing vitamin A C and E they stimulate faster hair growth.
Consume a variety of nutritious food like sprouts , cheese , cabbage , lentils , apricot , citrus fruits fresh green vegetables , spinach , broccoli , lettuce, legumes , fish oils, flaxseed oil Brewer’s yeast whole wheat grains etc
Spinach: is highly beneficial for hairs because it helps hairs grow faster it is loaded with antioxidants essential minerals and vitamins
In addition Asparagus, mushroom, tuna, and salmon are vitamin B3 rich foods they help alleviate stress and hence prevent hair loss caused by stress.
Hairs are made up of protein, so it is very important to have a diet plan which include protein some foods which are protein rich as;
· Soy products
· Eggs
· Cheese
· Milk
· Beans
· Yogurt
· Whole grains
· Seeds and nuts
Nuts and seeds: like walnuts, cashew nuts, Brazil nut, sunflower seeds, flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, fenugreek seeds and other such foods contain good amounts of zinc, magnesium, selenium and other such minerals that make hair grow fast naturally.
For instance, you can easily consume raw sunflower seeds or add ground flax seed in cereals, salads or smoothies. Needless to add, do not have foods that you are allergic to.
By:Rabel jatoi