Treating skin blemishes with antioxidants:
antioxidants are the most effective for skin blemishes.it remove free redical produces during metabolism.vitamin A, C, and E are strong antioxidents that removes redicals ans strnghten yous skin tissues. it helps your skin cells growth.antioxidents treat blemishes at root level.
Take protein rich diet:
protein acts as a building blocks of tissues and muscles. proteins are formed of amino acids.skin is composed of various types of tissues.the main cause behind blemishes is improper growth of tissues, so proper level of proteins help your skin to strenghten your tissues.egg, fish, beaf, chicken etc are protein rich foods.to fight with skin blemishes you must take protein rich foods.
use of herbal skin care tonic to reduce skin blemishes:
herbal skin care tonic is another useful remedy for skin blemishes.herbal skin care tonic contains vitamins,astringents and mineral for protectin skin from skin blemishes.harbal skin care tonics contain substance that keeps your skin hyderated and increase blood flow.its very effective for the growth of tissues.
prescription antibiotics:
prescription antibiotics and certain antiflamatory drugs are very effective for blemish treatment.prescription antibiotics should be administered in case of severe blemishes.
besides this there are thousands of herbal remedies for skin blemishes.not all but some of them work impressive in reducing skin blemishes.
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