Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Tips to Bath your baby

It’s up to you how often you bath your baby. Some babies love being in the water, and giving your baby a warm bath can become a fun and relaxing daily ritual.

That's not to say you have to bath your baby every day. If your baby is newborn, a bath once or twice a week is enough to keep him clean. Bear in mind that if you live in a hard water area, too much tap water may dry out and damage your baby’s skin.

Between baths, wash your baby's face regularly, clean his genitals, and bottom after each nappy change, and wipe any muck off his skin.

When you do bath your baby you may find it a little scary the first few times. It's a good idea to have someone with you to give you a bit of support. It's also helpful if you've forgotten something you need for your baby. Until you get into a routine, you'll probably find this is a common occurrence!

Handling a wriggling, wet and slippery baby takes practice and confidence, but you and your baby will get used to bath time and enjoy it. Most babies find warm water soothing and a bath may help a fussy baby to relax and calm down


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