Tuesday, 28 February 2012


The scars of acne may become a greater problem than the acne because it takes longer to disappear. In fact, some are forever on the skin. It is better to see a doctor if your face has too many scars of acne product. If the scars are not too big or deep, can treat it at home using natural treatments. Here some of the techniques on removing acne scars naturally:
Drink plenty of water
  The water is incredible cleaning and rejuvenation. It has been proven that water is one of the best natural methods on how to remove acne scars and prevent acne breakouts. Drinking at least 8 glasses of water or more helps your skin to shed those unwanted dead skin cells. The new skin also grows faster.
Eat fruits and vegetables
 Fruits and vegetables contain large amounts of vitamins and minerals that can help your skin to regain its beauty. They also contain juices that help to hydrate your body. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables for your healthy skin to grow and heal their scars.
Lemon juice
 Lemon juice is a type of citric acid is very effective to remove acne scars. Drink several glasses of lemon juice every day to help your body to remove dead cells faster. New healthy cells grow and also add elasticity to your skin if you consume more lime juice.
Vitamin E
 A lot of people are recommending the use Vitamin E capsule for those scars. You might apply it topically to the affected area by pricking a spot in the capsule and apply the oil to the scar. Another option is to take it orally to have that cell renewal from the inside.
Keep a balanced and nutritious diet
 You can not simply get rid of scars by applying natural substances to your skin. An important part of the process of healing is to maintain a balanced diet that will help the growth of healthy new skin. In addition, maintaining a proper diet gives you the essential nutrients needed to fight infections and other illnesses that might worsen the scarring. Be sure to eat chicken, fish and soy in your diet because these foods are rich in proteins that help the skin heal.
Rosehip seed oil
It is also an effective remedy on how to remove acne scars. This oil has anti-aging properties that reduce wrinkles, rejuvenate the skin and restores its original color. Oil rosehip seed is widely used in cosmetic products used to treat burns, premature aging, sun damage, scars from surgeries product, acne or facial scars. Massage it on the scar twice a day.
Combine rose water and paste of sandal wood and apply it on the spot where the scars are. Leave it overnight then rinse with cold water the next day.
Aloe vera gel or juice
 Gel and aloe vera juice helps to remove acne scars from your skin and make it more healthy.

Treat scars with tomato
  The tomato is rich in vitamin A, making it effective by preventing the production of bait that causes acne and scarring. The tomato also has antioxidant properties that rejuvenate damaged skin. Take a tomato, cut into slices and put it on your face every day.

Olive oil 
It improves the condition of your skin and reduce scarring from acne. Massage the affected parts every day. It also has moisturizing properties that help soften the skin texture.
Massage affected areas with honey to make your skin look young
Oil of lavender
  Apply it on your acne scars and massage slowly. It has regenerative properties that clean, rejuvenate and refresh the skin.
Rub ice cubes
 Wrap an ice cube in a cloth and massage the affected areas for 15 minutes every day, which should reduce inflammation.
Produces your own mask 
 Mix a tablespoon of sour cream with a spoonful of oatmeal and yogurt, then add a few drops of lemon juice. Apply the mixture to the scars and leave it there for 10 minutes.

The best way to prevent acne and the scars left is to bring style and a diet healthy. Regular exercise reduces stress and removes toxins. 


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