Monday, 16 April 2012

Anti Aging Therapy For Skin And Hair

Today's market contains many popular treatments for the anti aging process. You can buy a verity of minerals, vitamins, ointments, and lotions in the effort to look and feel younger. Some will provide some benefits and others will just drain your pocketbook. It is important to know and understand the effects of any anti aging therapy prior to starting any treatment.

Everyone has a genetic predisposition at to how they will age. Some people have a genetic predisposition that will cause their hair to turn gray in their early thirties while others will have a genetic predisposition to have a lot of wrinkles by the time they are fifty. Some aging will occur regardless of anti aging therapy and aging is a normal part of life but the trick is to age as gracefully as possible.

One important aspect of anti aging therapy is to eat a nutritious diet and perhaps supplement your diet with vitamins and supplements; after all you are what you eat. Many of the vitamins and minerals that the human body needs, work to make the skin healthy and hair full and lustrous. A person with a rosy complexion and shiny hair looks and feels younger. 

If you eat a very well balanced diet including all the food groups and sub groups then the need for vitamins and supplements is greatly reduced but this is very difficult for anyone to do that in this day and age.

Taking basic vitamins and minerals in standard doses can make up for any deficiency in your diet. There are some vitamins that are stored in the body and it is important that you do not take too many of these because it is possible to overdose with these vitamins. The vitamins A, D, E, and K are all fat-soluble vitamins and are stored the liver and in the fat cells of the human body. These vitamins are extremely important in anti aging therapy but you must not take more than the recommended doses. Water-soluble vitamins are not stored in the body so the chances of an overdose are highly unlikely.

Anti aging therapy for good hair and skin care must be started as soon as possible. It is easer to prevent skin and hair damage than it is to treat damaged skin and hair. If you have light colored skin then you should be concerned about the damaged that can be done by overexposure to the sun. Sunlight is very important to the human body but over tanning or burning will cause brown spots and wrinkles that become worse as you age. 

Keeping the skin moisturized with a good lotion will help the skin to remain elastic and supple. You should also avoid abrasive soaps. Mild soap and water is often the best cleanser for the human skin and it will prevent the skin from becoming too dry and damaged. You should keep your skin well hydrated with a good moisturizer to maintain its youthful appearance.

These few steps along with a few of the following vitamins and supplements will provide you with a good start on keeping that healthy and youthful look throughout your life. 

Zinc is needed for healing and maintaining healthy tissues. Amino Acids are the building blocks of protein and are the vital components of skin, hair, muscle tissue, the body's organs, blood cells, various enzymes and hormones. Zinc also has a profound influence on the body's ability to resist disease.

Aloe Vera will help rejuvenate and tone skin all over. A naturally cooling gel, the Aloe Vera botanical ingredients work together to stimulate the blood circulation and naturally soften the skin.

Tea Tree Oil has natural anti-inflammatory properties and helps sooth and treat problem skin. It is used to help tighten pores and firm skin for a more youthful, healthy appearance.

Avocado oil can also be used as a skin moisturizer. Keeping your skin properly moisturized is the best way to make sure it does not age prematurely.

Beta Carotene helps protect Vitamin C from oxidation, which enables it to perform at optimum efficiency. Symptoms of Beta Carotene deficiency include ache, dry dull hair, dry skin and thickened scaly skin on the palms and soles of the feet.

If you just feel that you need vitamins, supplements or herbs to fight the aging process then find a good health care professional prior to starting any type of home treatment.

Always consult your doctor before using this information.

This Article is nutritional in nature and is not to be construed as medical advice.


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