Sunday, 15 April 2012

Best and Quickest Way to Get Rid of Dark Skin

Skin discoloration under the eyes affects just about everybody at some time or another. For some of us, however, these "dark circles" are a near-constant bother. While these conditions are occasionally symptomatic of other illnesses, the usual cause is allergies, tiredness, or, unfortunately, heredity.

Among internal factors, we have certain illness such as Edison's disease and some hepatic problems. If someone is taking too much iron, for instance, it can cause darker areas on the skin. Hormonal changes during pregnancy or menopause also have a role to play. The deficit of certain vitamins and minerals such as calcium and vitamins A, E and B also can cause hyper-pigmentation.

Dark circles often develop when the skin under the eyes becomes thin and more transparent as a person naturally ages. Due to thinner skin, blood flow in veins under the eyes is much more apparent making the skin appear darker. Not getting enough sleep, insomnia, and sleep deprivation also play a role in having dark circles.

Getting enough sleep and relieving stress can eliminate dark circles under your eyes. If you're living the typical busy life: staying up late, getting up early, working hard, and playing harder, the dark circles under your eyes can easily be a symptom of exhaustion and stress.

In the morning, wash your face with cold water to help blood vessels constrict. Then, apply an eye cream that contains Retinol and vitamin K. Since it may take several months of daily use to see maximum results from the cream, you might want to consider using a little Preparation H to reduce the appearance of your dark circles in the meantime.

Use tea bags and cucumbers! Yes there definitely is something to seeing those commercials with women having cucumbers and tea bags on top of their eyes. Both tea bags and cucumbers reduce inflammation and decrease swelling. Tea bags are especially good to use for dark swollen circles because there is tannin inside of the tea that helps with eliminating the puffiness.

Dark circles can treated with regular and gentle care.Cover your eyes with cotton soaked in luke warm milk for 15 minutes everyday to remove the dark circles around your eyes or dip cotton pads into freshly extracted mint juice, flatten them and place them on closed eyelids for 10 to 15 minutes.

Identify allergens. Allergies may be the most common cause of skin discoloration under the eyes. If allergies are the root of your problem, you simply need to treat them or remove the allergen (i.e., the thing to which you are allergic). Seasonal allergy problems such as the hay fever can frequently be effectively treated with over-the-counter and prescription medications. For other allergies the best course of action is usually avoidance.

While eating a healthy diet will help boost your energy and ward off illness, it's also a great way to reduce the appearance of dark circles under your eyes. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables to prevent the vitamin deficiencies that can affect your skin's appearance. Reducing your salt intake will also help improve the look of your skin, since too much salt can cause the body to retain water in undesirable places


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