Skin care has become one of the most important daily activities and is receiving more attention now more than ever. While it is a common concern for women, it is just as important that men properly care for their skin as well. Because of this, a variety of products is available made just for men and their skin.
A man's skin is different from a woman's in texture, but not in make-up. There are three general skin types and men are not exempt from any of them. They are: oily, dry, and combination. While some people are said to have normal skin, thus not forced to deal with the extremes caused by oily or dry, that can be somewhat misleading. Someone with a normal skin type simply does not have skin that is more oily or drier than normal and, therefore, does not need the special attention given to these conditions.
Someone with an oily skin type will often be plagued with too much oil on and below the surface of the skin. This, in turn, can cause various types of acne because the oil builds up. While the skin is supposed to produce needed oils, it is advisable to cleanse this type of skin with a soap or gel that will wipe away excess oils, but still keep those that are essential to healthy skin.
Likewise, dry skin must be cleansed with a soap or gel that provides necessary oils to the skin. It is important, however, to remember not to over cleanse the skin, as doing so will take away or add too much oil and can cause further problems to occur.
Combination skin often means that one has oily skin in some places and dry skin in others. Some people with combination skin have more normal spots than troubled ones, so caring for this skin type generally isn't too difficult.
While there are no particular benefits to have one skin type over the other, it is important to note that those with oily skin are less likely to wrinkle as quickly as others with another skin type. Still, it is important to properly care for your skin and do so on a regular basis.
While many skin care products will work for both men and women, some men prefer to use those manufactured just for them. This is, in part, because many skin care products used by women can contain softer fragrances. Also, because a man's skin is made up somewhat differently from that of a woman, certain it may be preferable to use products better suited to its texture. Another aggravating factor can occur when a man shaves. If you shave everyday, you may want to use something that is more gentle to your face, especially if you cut yourself often or your skin tends to be sensitive.
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