Friday, 6 April 2012

Nail GorgeouScopes For April What Have The Stars In Store For You?

  Aries: White Spots on the Nails 
If you have white spots appearing on your nails, they are more than likely, calcium deposits. They are usually caused by banging the nail surface.

  Taurus: Pedicures... How Often? 
Rule of thumb is every other week during the summer and every three to four weeks during the winter.

  Gemini: Saving The Nails 
It is really easy to pick up some bad habits. The worst are using your nails as tools. A few years ago when phones had dials, the nails really suffered, Luckily, punching in the numbers, as long as you use the pads of your fingers, is much easier on them. Start watching how you use your nails. You might be surprised how often you abuse them.

  Cancer: Slugs and Hand Care 
Slugs are good for your hands according to W.T. Fernie. He published his findings in 1905, stating that chafing of the skin can be relieved with the slime of a slug. So, what do you do? Put the slug on the sore area of your hand and let it crawl around. Once the section has been slimed, you can then let the slug go!

  Leo: Vitamin A and Your Nails 
If your nails are constantly peeling, snapping, or generally just not up to parr, look to your diet. It could be that there is an insufficient amount of Vitamin A in the foods you eat.

  Virgo: Enhancing Nail Growth 
Rub the fingernails from one hand, across the other hand as if you were buffing them. Do this a few times a day to enhance nail growth. This is a form of reflexology.

  Libra: After Polishing?
After you've finished your polish application, don't stop there. Now is the perfect time to give yourself a hand massage. Use a rich hand cream and slather it on using circular movements until it is absorbed. Don't forget that our hands are constantly exposed and need constant attention.

  Scorpio: Polish Application 
Before applying polish, wash hands to get rid of any residue nail treatments. Just a trace can weaken the nail polish.

  Capricorn: Nail polish and Yellow Skin Tones
If you have olive or yellow skin tones, choose peach or clear polish to cover minor nail imperfections.

  Sagittarius: Nail polish and Pink Skin Tones
If you have pink skin tones, choose pink or clear nail polish to cover minor nail imperfections.

  Pisces: Nail Polish and the Chinese 
Nail polish as we know it today, was invented about 5000 years ago by the Chinese... with the favored colors being red and black.

  Aquarius: Finger Massage
Using four fingers from the opposite hand, start at the top of the finger and knead your way down to the tip of each finger. Feels wonderfully relaxing.


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