Proper Effective Cleansing
Proper cleansing is utmost important routine in your bridal skin care along with other packages. You should continue to recycle the process without going to be lazy till your wedding day,
Take regular bath in the morning.
Use a mild cleanser for your face and apply a good moisturizer soon after.
Immediately get rid of your makeup while getting back at home with the help of a proper makeup remover.
Apply a good moisturizer after washing your face before going to bed.
Most promising is to use of a good exfoliating product, at least thrice a week.
Proper Sweet Sleep
Will you afford ugly dark circles around your eyes as a result of tiredness? Definitely not. So never compromise of your sleep for glowing, fresh and charming skin.
Healthy Balanced Diet
Be strict on healthy balanced diet by eating lot of fresh fruits and vegetables. Don’t forget to drink at least 8 glasses of water in a day as water plays a vital role in the freshness and brightening of skin. Never skip meals if you are weight conscious.
Avoid New Cosmetics Brands
You cannot afford any bad trial or experiment of new cosmetic brands a couple of months before your marriage. You should stick to your regular brand for cosmetics that are best suited to your skin.
Elephant Tail
Avoid sweet, junk and processed foods. Don’t invite calories at this moment.
Take light exercise daily for dual effect of sexy, hot shape and glowing skin due to improved blood circulation.
Avoid harsh weather conditions as maximum as possible. Make sure to apply sun block before getting you exposed.
Waxing should be done at least 4 days before your wedding day, in case you get irration or ingrown hairs.
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